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Impact Wrestling Discussion Post: September 13th, 2018

Tonight on Impact Wrestling, Katarina Leigh returns to the ring to take on Alisha Edwards.‘s preview teases that Leigh’s now former boyfriend Grado and friend Josh Hendry have a surprise for Katarina:

Last week on IMPACT Katarina tried to tell Grado that their relationship is over and she was in love with his best friend Joe Hendry. That plan of Katarina backfired big time! It blew up in her face! Joe Hendry said he didn’t love Katarina, in a romantic way, and how dare she do that to Grado!

Well, now Grado and Joe Hendry have a plan and Thursday night they have a surprise in store for Katarina. This will be must see. Keep in mind, that Joe did tell Katarina that he loved her. However, Joe meant “like a friend” and that love was platonic. Katarina misunderstood the message.

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