Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Ashleygate: Ashley Dodges Bullet

Rather than addressing the situation head on and putting her story out there, RAW’s Ashley instead dodges the bullet in her latest MySpace blog and in my eyes, it’s a very cowardly thing to do. Making no mention of the recent allegations made against her, Ash simply thanks her fans for their support:

“Damn…all I can say is wow. Youys are mega supportive and I friggin love you for it. I consider everyone of you a friend and appreciate every last single message and believe me i’ve read them all you guys ROCK!!!!! HARD!!!!! So thanks for that. Seriously. I love you.”

Now some may argue that I have no right to call Ashley cowardly because what she does is her business, but the fact is, Ashley is employed by a publicly funded company and her interests as an employee should be to set a good example and standard for the company she represents. If you worked at a supermarket, you and your actions represent that supermarket. You go to a school, you represent that school. As a publicly funded company, WWE and it’s employees are more so liable to set an example than their privately funded counterparts. That said, just look at the trash WWE gets away with every day: a racist biggot leading the SmackDown! writing team, former porn stars on their payroll and now, a potential hooker too.

Furthermore, the issue is there and all her fans are 100% aware of it, to ignore the situation is pretty much suggesting to her fans that they are stupid. Who knows if Ashley or her “lawyer” will ever address the situation, but it would be in her own best interests as well as the company she represents, that she put her side of the story out there. Silence only proves guilt.

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