Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Blog: Mia Yim Checks In from Japan, Comments on Upcoming Match with Manami Toyota

Wrestler and Diva Dirt contributor, Mia Yim is currently in Japan where she is set to debut for the REINA promotion. Mia will be sending us exclusive blogs and pictures from her trip. Check back for regular updates!

Hello all,

The past few days here in Japan has been pretty relaxing. I was just told I will be wrestling in a tag match. May 28th, it will be me and Aki Kanbayashi vs. Hailey Hatred and Manami Toyota. I am really excited for this match as I will finally be in the ring with one of my closest friends (Hailey) and a legend, in my opinion, in the world (Manami) It will be a great honor and a tough fight for us.

I took a break from training on Sunday and Monday to go and explore Japan. Sunday, Roxie Cotton and I went to Harajuku. Harajuku is one of the fashion capitals in Japan as it still holds unique fashions from Decora to Lolita styles. I wish these fashions would be popular in America. We spent about a few hours in Harajuku, although it is only about half a mile strip of just side shops and foods. We went through most of the stores, looking at all Harajuku has to offer. It was amazing to see the different selections. The snacks was the best part. The Japanese really indulge in their sweets. The sweets are in very small portions but it is soooo delicious in every bite. After a while, it began to rain and we just headed back home to relax for the rest of the day.

Monday was a magical day! The group (Me, Roxie Cotton, Hailey Hatred, Zeuxis, Silueta) all went to Disneyland. Sidenote, Zeuxis and Silueta are Luchadors from CMLL and are extremely talented. I recommend viewing some of their stuff, they have been teaching me TONS of lucha. Anyways, it was everyone’s first time at a Disneyland except mine. I went a few times as a little girl and loved every single trip. I was automatically picked as the guide for Disneyland. Once we got in, I automatically made a dash for Toontown, the location of Mickey Mouse’s house. Call me a stalker if you will but all I family and close friends know I am a huge mark for Mickey. So we finally arrived at his house and had the opportunity to meet him. I almost cried when I met him again after ten years. I don’t care if he is a person inside a costume, Disneyland is where you let out your inner child and I certainly did. The whole day, we all were just acting like little girls, running all over the park, going on different rides and meeting different characters. It felt as though I was really meeting Mickey. When we rode the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, it felt as though we were really pirates. Our imagination was going wild and feeling like reality. The whole day was amazing. We went on Space Mountain, it was my first time. I am not a fan of roller coasters and that ride was just plain terrifying to me. At least I can be a part of Ric Flair’s promos when he talks about Space Mountain now. I can talk all day about Disneyland so I will spare you all the detail. In summary, the day was such a blast. It was a pleasure taking these girls to this magical theme land, introducing the lucha girls to everything Disney related (Zeuxis doesn’t like Mickey -_-), and just spending time with the group. It was a fun, girl bonding day.

Finally, it is currently Tuesday. Well actually Wednesday here since it is 1:30am now. I got back into Beast Mode to focus on my upcoming match with these two very talented and challenging ladies. I trained at the REINA school for 3-4 hours with Aki Kanbayashi. I will be going back to training tomorrow at noon for another 3-4 hours of training. The next few days will be all work, no play. Time to get serious and get down to business. Will post back after my match to let everyone how it went.


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