WrestleReunion 5 takes place this weekend at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles and a slew of female wrestling names, past and present, are due to appear.
Full list below:
Saturday, January 29th
Christy Hemme
Maria Kanellis
Ryan Shamrock (2-5pm)
Torrie Wilson (9am-12pm, 3-7pm)
Sunday, January 30th
SoCal Val (11am-2pm)
Torrie Wilson (11am-2pm)
Traci Brooks (11am-2pm)
No Days/Times Given
Representing ArenaChicks
Allison Danger
Amber O’Neal
Rhaka Khan
Sassy Stephie
Shelly Martinez
Representing Big Time Wrestling
Representing Millenium Pro Wrestling
More info on WrestleReunion here.