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Impact Wrestling Spoilers: March 13th & 20th, 2015

TNA taped the March 13th & 20th episodes of Impact today in London, England. Spoilers below:

Airing March 13th:
* Magnus vs. Bram: Crowd seemed confused as there was no clear face/heel (since both are British), mixture of silence and duelling chants. Mickie James came out during the match (people eventually recognised her) to lend support to Magnus. Does that mean she’s turning on him? If Russo is back, it does! Bram hit a donkey kick low blow for an intentional dq…. Post match, Bram attacks Magnus with a chair as Mickie distracts the referee. Bram gets some cable ties and ties Magnus to the ropes as Mickie comes in to act as a human shield. She slaps Bram, but he gets hold of her and cuts a promo on Magnus, threatening to take away everything he loves…Unless he kisses his boot. Magnus plants his lips on the boot and Bram leaves to boos.

* Brooke vs. Robbie E: DJ Z, Angelina Love and Jessie were out with a bucket and stool a la a boxing match. They actually worked a man vs woman match… Lots of interference, Brooke won with a jacknife cradle after Jessie missed a dropkick and accidentally hit Robbie E.

Airing March 20th:
* Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim vs Taryn Terell (c): Decent match, Taryn retains after blocking the Eat Defeat from Gail and hitting a roll up. Kong dominated a lot of the match but was taken out by a Gail Kim dive.

* Magnus and Bram spilled out of the back, brawling into the ring. Magnus waffles Bram with a series of chair shots before refs break it up. Mickie James attacks Bram too, who tries to escape, only to get a powerbomb on the stage for his troubles.


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