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Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 28th & December 5th, 2013

Below are spoilers for the next two weeks of Impact Wrestling, taped last night. More will be taped tonight.


Airing November 28th:
* Backstage segment with BroMans, Zema Ion, Eric Young and ODB. There will be a tag match against Dewey Barnes and Norv Fernum in turkey suits.

* Eric Young and ODB come to the ring with turkey suits. Zema Ion comes out next with his own DJ turntables and introduces BroMans. BroMans end up beating Barnes and Fernum. After the match, Fernum and Barnes dance around in turkey suits with ODB and EY.

* Everyone who has won a match comes out for the “Winner Winner Turkey Dinner” segment. Everyone talks about what they’re thankful for until Bobby Roode starts ripping Kurt Angle. Angle comes out and Roode challenges him to enter the ring for a beatdown. Angle ends up coming to the ring with ODB, Eric Young, Gunner, James Storm and Velvet Sky. Impact ends with a huge food fight.

Airing December 5th:
* Gail Kim defeated women’s wrestler Cherry Bomb in another open challenge match. ODB made the save after the match.

(Source 1, Source 2)

RELATED: Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 28th, 2013

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