Sunday, February 16, 2025

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Upcoming Impact Wrestling & TNA ONO Spoilers

Below are spoilers for upcoming episodes of Impact Wrestling as well as a future unnamed One Night Only PPV.


Impact Wrestling:

* The Decay are out, they say they are sick of the Hardy games and that “The Great War” will be the end of every last Hardy forever. The Hardys are in the crowd, Brother Nero (Jeff Hardy) says Abyss won’t be beautiful, Steve won’t be crazy, and Rosemary won’t be Rosie. The lights go off and when they turned back on Reby Sky appeared and attacked Rosemary. Abyss and Steve are handcuffed, Reby says Rosemary’s mother will be the one without a child after Bound for Glory.

* Maria Kanellis, Allie and Sienna are out. Maria talks down Allie, saying nobody wants to see her and makes her sit in the corner but fans cheer for Allie. Maria’s opponent for the night Luscious Latasha comes out and is defeated quickly. Maria’s second opponent comes out dressed as a ninja but is then unmasked as Gail Kim. Gail fends off an attack by Sienna and stared down Maria.

One Night Only:

* Gail Kim defeated Laurel Vanness. Prior to the match, Laurel offers Gail a huge check from her daddy to a charity of her choice if Gail lays down and let’s Laurel win. Gail agrees to do it for charity lays down but ends up lying when she tries to roll Laurel up.


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