Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Impact Write-Up (October 8th, 2014): Madison Eyes the Champ, Brittany Eyes Sam

Hola Knockout fans! Welcome to this week’s edition of Impact Write-Up leading up to Bound For Glory in Japan this Sunday…. and yes, that is this weekend for those of you that may have forgotten.

Before the newly crowned Knockouts Champion Havok makes her first title defense against Velvet Sky (who is getting a shot at the title with no explanation) this Sunday, we are having a Triple Threat match between Angelina Love, Taryn Terrell and Madison Rayne to determine who will be the new number one contender for the Knockouts Championship next week!

Following a video recap of Havok’s title win last week, The Beautiful People make their entrance with Angelina Love representing the duo in this match and Velvet Sky showing her support at ring side. Out next is the only woman in this match who has yet to hold the gold but looks well in gold attire Taryn Terell! Last but not least to make her entrance is the Killer Queen herself Madison Rayne!

Not waiting for Madison to enter the ring, Angelina is quick on the offense towards Taryn but it doesn’t take long for Madison to get in on the action. She goes for a suplex pin attempt but Angelina is able to kick out. She then whips Angelina to the turnbuckle only to receive an elbow and clothesline. Taryn getting back into the match surprises Angelina with a monkey flip and soon enough the motherly minds of Madison and Taryn align as the two deliver a suplex to Angelina! However, the allegiance is short lived as Madison breaks up Taryn pin on Angelina to try and steal the win herself!

Soon words of dispute turn into actions as a series of small packages and roll ups occur until Angelina puts an end to it. Maternal senses again take over Taryn and Madison as suddenly their common enemy is that of Angelina and the two deliver a string of jabs. Madison runs the ropes but to Angelina’s luck, Velvet trips Madison from the outside and drags her out the ring giving Angelina a break to regain control of the match. She toys with Taryn, pulling her hair as Velvet looks on. The ref counts for Angelina to break her illegal hold which Angelina obeys to and delivers a drop kick to Taryn.

Angelina goes for the pin but Taryn manages to get her shoulder up in time. Taryn tries to catch her breath from the turnbuckle and Angelina takes the attack but Taryn dodges leaving Angelina to land straight to the ring post. Velvet checks on Angelina but Taryn is able to take control of the match, landing a running neck breaker to Angelina. One, two… but Madison breaks up Taryn’s pin fall on Angelina and irish whips Taryn to the corner. Madison goes after Taryn but Taryn is able to counter with a boot to Madison and then goes high risk with a flying clothesline. Killing two birds with one stone, Taryn goes high risk one more time taking out both Madison and Angelina! Taryn looks to finish this match up with an Air Cutter to Madison but Madison manages to shove Taryn before she can deliver her finisher giving Angelina a chance to hit the Botox Injection but Taryn ducks just in time! Taryn goes for a second Air Cutter this time successfully landing it on Angelina leaving her down for an easy pin. Still a part of the match, Madison surprises Taryn with a roll up pin awarding the killer queen with the win!

Taryn is not happy about this and exchanges words with the new number one contender. Before Madison is able to give out her full apology, sincere or not, out comes the champion Havok! She makes her way to the ring, title in hand as Taryn and Madison look on. Taryn steps up against the champion but is immediately taken down. Instead of daring to go against Havok, Madison bails out the ring leaving Taryn to fend for herself. Havok delivers a choke slam to Taryn laying her out in the middle of the ring as Madison looks on from a safe distance.

Speaking of Madison, it would seem her former admirer Brittany no longer as eyes for her. Instead, Brittany seems to have found infatuation in Samuel Shaw! You know, that guy that was obsessed with Christy Hemme earlier this year? After his extreme match against Bram, Brittany came out to comfort Shaw, nurturing him from his pain. Hmm… Could this be a new couple in the works?

Thoughts: I’ll start off with Brittany’s appearance post-Shaw and Bram match. It certainly was a surprise to see Brittany be thrown into the mix of with Shaw’s character. We’ve seen teases from Brittany being interested in Shaw before but this week’s segment makes things look official. Personally, I was a fan of Shaw’s artistic obsessive character and it seemed to dim down once we was paired with Gunner and “cured”. Likewise, Brittany’s character too took a notch down once she abruptly ended things with Madison. I think both Shaw and Brittany can benefit from this pairing as it can refresh their characters and it gives Brittany something to do instead of just losing matches when she’s not in them.

As far as the triple threat goes, it was a decent match. I especially liked all the personalities in the match with Angelina playing the heel, Taryn the baby face and Madison the tweener. It was every women for herself and in the end I think the right person won. TNA has acknowledge some past history between the two so this can be an opportunity for TNA to paint their past and even give Havok a chance to speak as she’s been silent up to this point.

This being the home go show for Bound For Glory, it was a distraught feeling knowing that the only thing we got this year before the big show was a mention of the Knockouts match taking place between Havok and Velvet Sky; a match that we almost didn’t even get! To my understanding, this initially wasn’t for the Knockouts title but as days passed, the title was thrown in the mix making Sunday’s match a championship match. I just think it’s messy to throw in the title to the card with episodes of Impact already being taped. Still, I guess I shouldn’t complain too much since we did at least get a Knockouts match in the card and we just have to understand the circumstances TNA is currently undergoing. As always, I will be tuning in for Bound For Glory this year where I’m confident both Velvet Sky and Havok will make the most with what they are given!

That’ll do it this week Knockouts fan, hasta luego!

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