Thursday, January 23, 2025

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Lola Vice Steals NXT Women’s Championship! Two Matches Made For Heatwave

Hey everyone! The article for NXT is a little bit shorter than usual but we weren’t jam packed with content like our usual weekly content. Good stuff either way, let’s check it below!

First piece of content is a backstage segment with Karmen Petrovic watching a clip backstage with the rest of the locker room from the post match beat down between Lola and Roxanne. Perez calls Karmen out on feuding with Lola just a few weeks ago and now she’s giving her props. Petrovic shakes off the shade and tells the champ to watch her. 

Roxanne Perez vs. Karmen Petrovic

Soon as the match is about to start, Lola Vice makes her entrance to join commentary letting Booker and Vic know “Nothing Roxanne does could ever hurt me”. The Champ is dominating pretty decisively here, which to be fair, I agree with. There was a really fun spot from Petrovic where Karmen rocked Perez for a hot minute, both me and Lola were gagged. The flurry was short lived though, PopRox for the win!

Winner: Roxanne Perez

Lola walks out to the ring, drops Perez with the 305 then walks out with the NXT Women’s Championship!! 

Backstage interview with Kelani who wants to be a drama free champion! Not the most compelling motivation but the delivery was there. We cut to Jaida Parker after that who challenges Michin to a street fight, next week! See Michin’s response below

Another backstage segment where Izzi Dame throws some major shade to Brinley Reece about being this annoyingly positive pest. Harsh but someone had to say it, plus I enjoyed Dame’s vignette last week so looking forward to seeing this match next week. 

#1 Contenders Match Arianna Grace vs Sol Ruca 

Winner of this match will receive at a title shot at Heatwave next week! Incredibly fun offense here by Sol Ruca, I wouldn’t say the chemistry between these two performers were a natural fit but both shine in the character department to compensate for any miscommunications or timing issues. This is developmental after all. Sol Snatcher onto Grace for the win! 

Winner: Sol Ruca 

Roxanne Perez bursts into Ava’s office, convinced that Ava is orchestrating the entire situation. Meanwhile, the title bout against Lola Vice is scheduled for Heatwave. Really excited to see the match Perez pulls out of Vice!

Stevie Turner also had a few segments throughout the night with Robert Stone vying for the General Manager’s attention. 

Kelani Jordan and Sol Ruca are ready and excited for their match at Heatwave. Personally the story here between Kelani and Sol being good girls, who play by the rules that are fighting for meritocratic division doesn’t do much to excite me, but hey that’s just me. On the other hand, Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jazmyn Nyx appear to voice their frustrations about not receiving their opportunities. Interesting duality on display. 

Otherwise, that’s pretty much it this week for NXT. I wouldn’t say it’s the best week, but not a bad one by any means either. Storylines continue to build going into Heatwave, but as of right now I can’t see anything changing hands. Maybe I’m wrong though, sound off in the comments with what you thought of the show!

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