Saturday, February 15, 2025

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NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III Predictions: Asuka vs. Ember Moon for the NXT Women’s Title

Tonight at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III, Asuka defends the NXT Women’s Title against Ember Moon. Will Asuka’s undefeated streak come to an end tonight? The Diva Dirt team weighs in:

Abir: The build-up to this has been far too small for Asuka to lose – and that’s exactly why she will. Taking down Asuka will be the perfect way to build Ember Moon as a dominant champion, so this will be her moment.

Alex: I think the streak is ready to be broken. The main roster may be stacked and I don’t see Asuka debuting soon, but if they want Ember Moon to get that recognition then this is the victory she needs. Some may say that she’s not ready just yet, but this victory will do a lot more for her character’s development – a reason for the crowd to take her seriously as a threat. Time-wise, by the time these two have their rematch at the next Takeover then I’m sure the main roster will have a spot wide open for The Empress of Tomorrow too. However, tonight I think that Eclipse is finally going to end the streak!

Candace: My vote is going for Ember Moon this time around.

Josue: I’ve been on the fence about this match just because I can see it going either way. Asuka is a special talent so I can see why the WWE have prolonged her title reign but eventually, it’ll have to come to an end. Win or lose, Asuka has already cemented herself into the record books and I’m not sure if we’ll ever see a title reign run as long as hers has again. That being said, I think the time has come for Ember Moon to win belt. This win will give a huge rub for Ember after her previous shots at the title slipped through her and it will establish Ember as the new top face in the NXT Women’s Division.

Matthew: I got Ember Moon to win. The streak has got to end somehow.

Stephanie: NXT is in a really frustrating place and I can not wrap my head around what is happening in the women’s division. I’m almost conditioned at this point to believe Asuka will more than likely retain tonight. However, Ember Moon, as thin as her character development may be, needs to win tonight to make any more impact in the division and help turn a corner for the women. As legendary as Asuka’s reign has been, it’s been detrimental to the growth of others. It’s a shame since this is supposed to be developmental. Ember Moon for the win.

BREAKDOWN: 0 for Asuka, 6 for Ember Moon.

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Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong? What are your predictions? Sound off in the comments below!

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