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OVW Spoilers: August 15th, 2013

Ohio Valley Wrestling filmed today’s episode last night in Louisville, Kentucky.

The show (#730) can be seen at later today. Spoilers below:

* Pre-Show Dark Match: Nikki St. John & Lovely Lylah vs. The Blossom Twins. Holly with a side headlock on Lylah. Lylah throws her into the ropes and Holly runs into a brick wall. Lylah swings wildly at Holly, but Holly ducks and locks the side headlock back in. Holly tags Hannah and they throw Lylah off the ropes and hit a double back elbow and Hannah drops an elbow. Lylah tags Nikki, who runs into a hip toss from Hannah. Hannah tags Holly and they deliver a double hip toss. Lylah runs in and the Blossoms hit her with a double dropkick. Nikki tags Lylah back in and as Hannah runs off the ropes, Nikki kicks her in the back. Lylah charges at Hannah, but Hannah moves, and Lylah knocks Nikki from the ring apron. Hannah tags Holly and they hit a double Rock Blossom for the 3. WINNERS: BLOSSOMS by pinfall.

* Dean Hill is in the ring and asks the Femme Fatales to come out and join him. As they all enter, Dean tells them that they will all be participating in a “Miss OVW” contest. The even will take place for the next several weeks and end at the October Saturday Night Special. Trina takes the mic and says that the news is fine, but she has an issue with Lei’d Tapa. Taeler Hendrix grabs the mic and says that everyone should be talking about her. The Femme Fatales begin pushing and shoving each other. Tapa tries to hit Trina with a big boot, but Trina ducks and hits a DDT to leave Tapa laying.

* Post-Show Dark Match: Taeler Hendrix & “The Justin Bieber of Professional Wrestling” Dylan Bostic vs. “The Welsh Colossus” Rob Terry & Lei’d Tapa. Taeler smacks Tapa in the face and runs out of the ring. Dylan doesn’t want to start with Rob, but Taeler doesn’t want to tag back in. Dylan locks up with Rob and Rob shoves him down. Tapa chases Taeler around the ring as Dylan locks Rob up from behind. Rob powers out and locks in an armbar. Dylan tries to forearm Rob in the face and kick him in the leg, but Rob powers Dylan down to the mat. Rob hits a big slam. Taeler grabs Rob’s foot which allows Dylan to hit Rob from behind and lock in an armbar. Rob reverses and throws Dylan shoulder first into the turnbuckle. He hits a massive shoulder tackle. Tapa goes after Taeler again. While the ref and Rob are distracted, Dylan clubs Rob in the back of the head, and Taeler chokes Rob across the rope. Dylan then hits Rob with a foreign object that he throws in his tights. He chokes Rob, but Rob hits Dylan and delivers a big hip toss across the ring. Rob with a fallaway slam and a backflip. He misses a kneedrop, and Dylan dropkicks him. Dylan grabs Rob’s legs, but Rob kicks him into the corner and the ref calls a tag between Taeler & Dylan. Tapa comes in and hits a big boot on Taeler. Dylan charges after Tapa, but she shoves him away into Rob. Rob powerslams him while Tapa delivers her finisher to Taeler for the 3. WINNERS: TAPA & TERRY by pinfall. (Source)

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