Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Tenille Dashwood and Sumie Sakai advance in WOH Title Tourney

Last night two more matches were held for the Women of Honor Title tournament during Ring of Honor’s 16th Anniversay show.

Tenille Dashwood faced Brandi Rhodes and Sumie Sakai squared off against Hana Kimura on the Facebook Live pre-show.

Both Tenille and Sumie are advancing after defeating both their counterparts.

Sumie Sakai won with a rolling neckbreaker and was beaten down by Kimura and Kagetsu afterwards.

Tenille Dashwood defeated Brandi Rhodes after Brandi tried to feign a knee injury. Brandi attempted to win with an eye poke and Crossrhodes, but Dashwood kicked out. Tenille eventually won with her Spotlight Kick.

You can watch both matches below:

Additionally, ROH announced that the finals for the WOH title will take place next month!

What do you think of these results? Who do you want to see square off in the finals? Who should be the first Women of Honor Champion? Sound off in the comments below.

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