Sunday, February 2, 2025

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Impact Wrestling Spoilers: August 26th & September 2nd, 2015

TNA taped matches for future episodes of Impact tonight. Spoilers below:

Note: The airdates for these segments are unknown.

* Brooke Tessmacher vs. Velvet Sky in a non-title match ended in a No Contest when they were attacked by Jade and Marti Belle. Rebel turned and attacked Velvet, joining the group. Taryn Terrell cut a promo on the big screen and taunted Velvet and Brooke.

* In-ring segment with Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett. They talk about GFW and TNA working together until Drew Galloway interrupts. He says everyone is happy about the changes going on but there’s a dark cloud hanging over The Impact Zone. Drew revealed that two rental cars caught on security camera leaving recent attacks in the Impact Zone were registered to Jarrett. Jeff swore on his family it wasn’t him and Karen Jarrett confessed. She says she did it for GFW and Jeff lays Drew out. The GFW roster has turned on TNA and are now the heels.

* Velvet Sky calls out Taryn Terrell and The Dollhouse. Taryn responds on the big screen while Rebel, Marti and Jade beat down Velvet in the ring until Madison Rayne and Angelina Love make the save to reunite The Beautiful People.

* Dixie and Jeff come to the ring to shoot on each other. Dixie announces a “Winner Takes All” match for all of the TNA shares. It will be Team GFW vs. Team TNA’s Lashley, Galloway and The Wolves in Lethal Lockdown. The match will be taped tomorrow night.


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