Friday, July 26, 2024

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Ashleygate Breaking News: Web Archive Recovered

A web archive of the old Bella Models website, has been recovered using, a popular site that stores old websites. Bella Models was the escort service run by Michelle “Nici” Braun that WWE Diva, Ashley has found herself connected to. The official Bella Models site, when it was active had a page dedicated to Ashley where you could book her services for $25,000.

The page can be viewed here, Escort Ashley’s location is New York City. Coincidence? I think not! Ashley cried “Lies” on Saturday in her MySpace blog, but it seems the only liar here is her. I think the proof is pretty conclusive against the “dirty” one. I’m pretty convinced now, it should be interesting to see what Ashley has to say next and whether or not WWE will respond.

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