Monday, February 10, 2025

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Battleground Results: Bayley debuts, Charlotte taps out

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Tonight on Battleground, the mystery of Sasha Banks tag team partner was revealed. As many speculated, Sasha’s partner turned out to be none other than NXT Superstar Bayley! The WWE Universe welcomed the NXT fan favorite to huge applauses.

Bayley proved to be an equalizing force to opponents Charlotte and Dana Brooke, helping to balance things out the playing field for Sasha this time around, unlike last week’s SmackDown handicap match.

As the tag match came to a near end, the Women’s Champion would hit her Natural Selection finisher on Sasha, nearly putting her away for the three count had Bayley not make the save. Dana tossed Bayley to the outside floor, leading to an out-ring scuffle.

Back in the ring, a lonely Charlotte would fall victim to Sasha’s Bank Statement, thus forcing to tap out.

Post match, Bayley and Sasha would celebrate their win with a hug, naturally.

What did you think of the match? 

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