Friday, July 26, 2024

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Bayley last eliminates Lacey Evans to retain the SmackDown Women’s Title

Heading into WrestleMania, Bayley had the odds stacked against her as she had to defend her SmackDown Women’s Championship against four other women. When everything was said and done and with the assist of an eliminated Sasha Banks, Bayley continues her history making reign.

The Fatal Five-way Elimination match had a clear cut formula between its participates. Bayley and Sasha Banks have their best friendship, Naomi and Lacey Evans have their recently grown respect, and Tamina was the powerhouse who could stand on her own.

Tamina picked up the last win heading into WrestleMania and thwarted a Team B.A.D reunion attempt by Banks on SmackDown. The same would happen tonight after all three members had a quick unity reunion that Tamina quickly broke up.

Tamina would get eliminated first after decimating the entire landscape. Once the other four realized they had to team up against her, they would all keep her down and pin her. After this, Naomi was essentially isolated by the former Women’s Tag Team Champions. Evans was hurt on the outside.

After Naomi put up an impressive fight and had the best moves of the match, she would be eliminated next. Banks would submit her with the Bank Statement. Bayley and Banks had this simple formula to make them the final two at the end. The champion would then more than likely assume Banks would lay down for her. This wasn’t the case.

Evans would make her way back in the ring nursing her right hand. This would eventually cause a disconnect between Bayley and Banks as the champion took out her best friend on accident. Banks wasn’t pleased with this and shared some words Bayley. This was enough for Evans to get the upper hand as she pinned The Boss.

Shocked, Bayley knew she had no one else to hide behind. Evans did all she could to grab her WrestleMania moment and become a champion for the first time. This included hitting her moonsault, but the Role Model kicked out. Banks was still lurking at ringside and thanks to the no disqualification rule she was able to still assist. She delivered a backstabber to Evans which was enough for Bayley to sneak in and grab the pin and remain your SmackDown Women’s Champion.

Bayley, a little weary, was celebrated by Banks helping her put on her championship around her waist after the bell rang.

What were your thoughts on this match? What did you think of the outcome? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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