Friday, July 26, 2024

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Beth Phoenix Itching to Return to the Ring?

Beth-Phoenix-wwe-31306808-642-722Will the Glamazon ever step foot in a WWE ring again?

The answer is maybe, according to Beth Phoenix herself, who recently took part in an interview with The Score’s Arda Ocal.

Beth, real name Elizabeth Kocianski, said, “I never wanted to be that person who said, I’ll never come back, I’m retired, I’m done and then in a couple of years get the itch. I haven’t said I’ll never ever be back because I don’t know what opportunity will come up that I’ll find to be really awesome.”

Since Beth’s release in October, Eve Torres has followed her out of the WWE. 2012 also saw the departure of Brie and Nikki Bella, Maxine and Kelly Kelly. Beth was asked if all of the departures were coincidental, or if there was more to what could be seen as an exodus of Divas.

She said, “I think it just timed out that way because lots of times with the girls there is a window of opportunity and a lot of the girls that left kind of came in at the same time. The women’s division there are so few of us, you can only see me wrestle Kelly so many times.”

In addition to discussing her own generation of Divas, Beth was asked why she considers soon-to-be WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus an icon.

Beth remarked, “Sometimes people like to remember the controversy, that’s what stands out, but I think I would rather look at the content of someone’s career. She always welcomed whatever kind of physicality that needed to take place in the ring. She was tough as nails, she never complained and worked for what she had and you have to respect that.”

Beth also gives her thoughts on WWE’s current roster of girls, including NXT, her career highlights and how her boyfriend Edge’s retirement has been helping her deal with leaving the WWE.

Watch the full interview below:

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