Friday, July 26, 2024

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Big Swole battles hard to down Diamante on AEW Dark

On this week’s edition of AEW Dark Big Swole and Diamante culminated their heated rivalry with a 3 Strikes match.

What is a 3 Strikes Match you ask? The rules were simple. The first fall was pinfall, the second via submission and the third by knockout.

Swole and Diamante were at each other’s throats for months. It all started when Diamante caused a distraction that resulted in Swole losing to the Bunny. In an attempt to get revenge they clashed in a match in which Diamante was victorious after cheating to win. The feud continued as Swole charged Diamante after the Cuban Diamond used a chained fist to defeat Julia Hart.

Hart and Swole then teamed to take on Diamanet and Nyla Rose and fell to their opponents. With nothing settled AEW announced the two would clash in 3 Strike Match to end this bitter rivalry.

Big Swole vs Diamante on AEW Dark

First Strike

The first fall kicked off with some hard-hitting exchanges between the two hard-hitters. Swole landed two big forearms before dropping Diamante with a flatliner for the first two count.

Another barrage stiff offence resulted in Swole planting Diamante with a nasty looking Tiger Tunder Bomb, and a near fall.

Swole went for Dirty Dancing but Diamante countered and roller her up with a fist full of tights for the win.

Second Strike

Diamante kept up the offence and kept in control of the match as the second fall began. They continued to share stiff back-and-forth exchange but with submissions added.

Dimante halted a surge from Swole with a grinding headlock complete with clubbing blows. Swole persevered and dug deep managing to counter the hold into an ankle lock. Unable to escape, Diamante tapped out and the match was tied at one fall a piece.

Third Strike

The third and final fall is to be decided by knockout only , therefore there are no disqualifications. Cue kendo sticks, chains and handcuffs.

Diamante swings and misses with the cane, Swole grabs it and does not miss. The Cuban Diamond reveals a chain and wraps it around her fist. She feints a headshot, which causes Swole to cover her face leaving her body exposed. Dimante takes advantage and blasts Swole in the stomach. The chain assisted offence continues as Swole is whipped across the back.

Incensed Swole fires back and grabs the chain off her attacker, who responds by presenting a pair of handcuffs. After firing Swole into the ring post, Diamante tried to cuff her but Swole counters and hits a chained Dirty Dancing right on the button to KO Diamante for the win.

It was a great match full of fire and wince-enducing offence and was executed very well by all involved. This feud was built entirely on Dark, therefore it was only fitting that it should culminate on that programme. Dark or Dark: Elevation are the perfect place for new and secondary storylines and fueds to take place. Hopefully this will set the precedent going forward.

Also on the show The Bunny, accompanied by Penelope Ford defeated Laynie Luck in a quick match.

What did you make of the feud and the match between Big Swole and Diamante? Sound off in the comments below.

Stay tuned to Diva Dirt for all of your news, reviews and updates from the world of women’s wrestling.

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