Friday, July 26, 2024

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Brie vs Kelly at Over the Limit This Sunday

It looks like we will be getting a Divas Championship match this Sunday at WWE’s Over the Limit pay per view, despite no official announcement being made as yet.

Brie Bella let slip on Twitter that she’ll be facing Kelly Kelly, but has since deleted her tweet.

Kelly has picked up wins over the Bellas in the last couple of weeks.

I guess will make an official announcement in the next few days.

Thoughts: With the roll Kelly’s been on, I’m backing her to take the belt on Sunday. But with Kharma circling Kelly, I’m thinking the title win will be the trigger that finally leads to Kharma putting a hurtin’ on Kelly. (The flick to the forehead doesn’t count!)

UPATE (May 20th): The match was confirmed on SmackDown today.

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