Friday, July 26, 2024

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Carmella wants there to be more women represented at WrestleMania

Carmella, who herself hasn’t been in a match since the Royal Rumble over two months ago, wants more women to be represented at WrestleMania. And we agree with her.

Although she has not been in a match she has recently been seen firing her sommelier Reginald and has made comments in Network Exclusives pondering someone new to take his place.

Carmella’s portion is about at the 45 minute mark.

While appearing on a recent episode of WWE’s The Bump, Carmella shared the following:

“As of right now, there’s only two women’s matches announced. I want there to be another women’s matches. I think there should be more women on the show. The women are where it’s at. We are taking over. We’ve made all this history. As happy as I am for Asuka and Rhea and Bianca and Sasha – I’m very excited for Sasha and Bianca. But I just, I feel there should be more women involved. We’ve worked really hard. And we didn’t come this far to only come this far. Even if it’s not myself, I would love to be involved in WrestleMania. But either way, I want to see more women on this show.”

Her reaction to the recent booking of RAW on her social media also called out the lack of women representation. A sentiment that many have been saying about RAW for many months at this point.

Since Carmella appeared on The Bump there have been rumors of two more women’s matches added to the event. A number one contenders match on Night One for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles and the winners facing the champions on Night Two. There is no confirmation from WWE just yet on this speculation or announcement of which teams will be involved.

Since Carmella’s feud with Sasha Banks has obviously wrapped up, she has not been utilized on a weekly basis. She commented on a potential faction that she would love to be a part of and compared it to a New Day type of formula. She would love to be in a faction with Bayley and Billie Kay.

“There’s two choices I’m looking for,” Carmella said. “I’m thinking either Billie Kay or I’m thinking Bayley. If you remember NXT, ‘BayMella’, Bayley and Carmella were the best of friends . She is my best friend in and out of the ring. That would be so much fun to tag with her. We would just destroy everybody.

And Billie Kay… I mean come on, what can’t that girl do? She makes everybody laugh, she’s so talented, she used to be a tag champ and so did Bayley. I think those are two great choices. Either one, honestly maybe we can be like the New Day! …. BayKayMella”

What do you think of what Carmella had to say about more women’s matches at Mania? Would you like to see her alongside Bayley and Billie Kay? Leave your thoughts below.

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