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Chyna’s mother says she will seek legal action against REELZ network

Chyna will be the feature of an upcoming documentary on the REELZ network. The show will be focusing on the “last hours” of Chyna’s life in a reoccurring show titled Autopsy: The Last Hours Of… Pro Wrestling Sheet’s Ryan Satin has an exclusive on Chyna’s mother reaching out to the network with her displeasure. She has declared that she will seek legal action

After finding out about the episode, Jan LaQue contacted REELZ immediately and had the following to say to them in an email:

“I want to make it clear to you, very very clear, that NO ONE – NO ONE – really knows what happened during Joanie’s final hours. So you can’t possibly air something on the supposed ‘Truth’ because you don’t know it.  I don’t know it!!

I expect a contact immediately back from you stating that you will not be airing this program,” LaQue continued. “If I don’t hear from you by the end of the day on Monday, August 12th, 2019, you will give me no other choice but to have my attorney contact you on this matter.  So someone had better contact me on this ASAP.”

Credit: WWE

Reportedly she did not hear back from REELZ as she requested. From this she followed up her initial request with the following:

“If you continue on with this and defame Chyna or tarnish her legacy in any way, you are really opening yourself up to defamation.  Not to mention personal and emotional duress on the part of myself and her family because of what you are doing,” Laque added.

“You need to be VERY clear that as her mother and her sole beneficiary, I am going to vigorously defend my daughter and her estate, protect her legacy from vultures like you who want to drag it through the mud, and do whatever I can to stop you and those like you from making a buck off of her tragedy both now and in the future.”

The following response was sent to Pro Wrestling Sheet when they reached out for comment. They didn’t specifically mention Chyna or LaQue, but they did confirm the purpose of this REELZ series.

“Autopsy: The Last Hours Of…responsibly explores the circumstances of the passing of well-known and genuinely loved celebrities who the public cares about immensely. The REELZ series generates much feedback from our viewers ranging from fans who tell us it provides closure, medical professionals who praise its scientific accuracy and many who gain helpful perspective of health issues that might not otherwise receive attention like Karen Carpenter who brought anorexia into the public consciousness and, more recently, with Prince whose passing focused attention on the Opioid epidemic.”

Credit: WWE

In addition to LaQue reaching out to REELZ themselves she also had a comment on towards the actor who plays Chyna on the show. This stemmed from the actor herself, Kerry Newton, who took to her social media and stated that she had “a blast” playing Chyna in this role.

LaQue’s responds with, “She had a BLAST filming it? How morbid and disgusting is that? How can you have a BLAST portraying a human being who died so tragically?  How can you even consider taking on the role of playing her without checking with your lawyers on whether or not it was cleared by the estate?  How can you not contact her mother prior to taking on the role?  This is just unbelievable.”

At this time the REELZ network’s website shows that this episode will air on Aug. 25. at 10 p.m. ET.

Credit to Pro Wrestling Sheet for this Exclusive and transcripts.

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