Friday, February 14, 2025

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Clash of Champions Kickoff Predictions: Alicia Fox vs. Nia Jax

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Tonight on Clash of Champion Kickoff, Alicia Fox and Nia Jax go head to head. Which Superstar will emerge victorious? The Diva Dirt team weighs in:

Abir: As much as I’d love for Foxy to take home the win, it’s pretty obvious that Nia will win. I’m sure Foxy will be allowed some offence throughout the match, but by the end we’ll see her flat out on the crowd after a pinfall victory from Nia ends the fight. Still excited to see it all play out, though!

Alex: If you think Alicia Fox is going to win, then you’re probably the kind of person that swipes right on everyone on Tinder, thinking you’ll eventually find the love of your life. Grab your spatulas everybody, cos Nia Jax is going to flatten Alicia once again!

Candace: Nia Jax.

Jack: Although everyone expects Alicia to lose clean, I’m predicting a count-out win for Alicia, sending Nia into a frenzy, making her more dangerous than ever whilst keeping her undefeated streak alive in relation to pinfalls and submissions.

Josue: Is it a bad thing that I’m actually more excited about this kickoff match than I am about the triple threat title match? Well, of course, this is mainly due to the fact that we’ll get to see more of Alicia on our screens! I highly doubt that Alicia will walk out with a win here but I’m still holding out that this match will be given a reasonable amount of time since it has been placed on the kickoff spot. Let’s see an actual match up between these two as opposed to yet another typical squash match which Nia will undoubtedly win.

Matthew: You got speed versus strength in this matchup, but in the end Nia Jax will remain undefeated when it’s all said and done.

Stephanie: Nia and Foxy should at least go 5 to 10 minutes. If it’s a squash, neither woman will benefit. In typical David vs Goliath fashion, I expect Foxy to get some fast, crafty offense in. Perhaps she stumbles upon a clue that could bring the monster down before she gets destroyed. Nia will get the win because her unstoppable force story is far from over. Hopefully, Foxy still tries to get one over on Nia after the event. In crazy Foxy fashion, I wouldn’t put it past her to interfere in Nia’s future matches, use weapons, or team up with another woman in the division to get even.

BREAKDOWN: 1 for Alicia Fox, 6 for Nia Jax.

Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong? What are your predictions? Sound off in the comments below!

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