Friday, July 26, 2024

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Diva Dirt Auditions: Christi

Earlier today, Adrian shamefully attempted to plagarise his sample blog (we’ll be sending you a free copy of Jillian‘s Christmas carols CD), so we’re going to give someone else the opportunity to showcase their sample blog on the site!

Auditionee number three is Christi! Read Christi’s sample blog below and vote “yay” or “nay” on her blogging skills!

The WWE made a mistake in putting a brand new Divas Championship on Michelle McCool and heres why:
Its obvious that womens wrestling doesnt get alot of respect.Most of is due to booking, bad wrestlers, etc. Its been a tough road for women, especially in the WWE, but they have managed to get some respect from the fans. The WWE decided to create a brand new title for the women on reality the Womens Title, due to its history and respect from the fans should have been interbranded, but oh well. Practically all of us say the title is hideous, but a good first matchup and a strong, capable champion would add a level of interest and respect from the fans to appreciate the title.
One problem with making McCool champion is that there was the loss of adding some history, intrigue and appreciation for the belt that is naturally possessed in Natalya. To make the first third generation diva, who is a Hart, the first champion, automatically gives the title some level of historic value. It would make the audience curious about who could beat the then unstoppable Diva from an awesome family. By making Michelle champion and beating Natalya at thier first meeting, the title became somewhat worthless in the sense that Michelle had already beaten Victoria, the other strong heel, many times, and Natalya losing to her ruined a good run.

More after the cut:

another problem is in what happened after. McCool has had one solo match that occured right after, was not on TV the next week, and then has lost a string of tag team matches including getting pinned in one-by Natalya, and getting beatdown by her Unforgiven opponent. Despite what the WWE tries to do, McCool is NOT over with the fans in a way a champion should be. Why Natalya should have been champion is because it would have put McCool in the role of chaser, doing everything she can to get the belt, which fans respond to. Look at what happened with Mickie trying to beat Beth. She was practically sobbing in the ring because she had lost to her so many times, that her victory had the crowd in an uproar. McCool needed that, but didnt get it, which has made people forget there’s even a Divas Championship.
Maryse should win for one reason and one reason only: a story. Putting the belt on Maryse would add some shock value and surprise, but would also open up a story for Maria to enter as a contender, and give these two the feud they should be going through already. By having McCool beat Maryse, the storyline and interest in the new Divas Championship is completely wiped out. She will have beaten every heel on the show, therefore leaving her no where to go. Victoria has obviously become a jobber heel and is in a thing with the debuting Brie Bella; and the one who should be getting the title shot, Natalya, is strangely being ignored and pushed to the side for the gorgeous Maryse to enter the title picture..what would happen to the belt is McCool wins?: absolutely nothing! Maryse winning brings in Maria, Maria possibly winning the belt from her allows Natalya or Victoria to step into the picture, and create a history for the new belt.
So, although Maryse is very, very green and is shocking people with gettin this opportunity, it makes sense why she would be getting this shot. Shes definitely becoming the WWE’s version of Angelina Love, and is playing her heel character to a T, as shown in the recent match against Maria on Smackdown..the WWE would be wise to give her this title..
but remember folks…its a pink butterfly title, and thankfully, not the Womens title

Yay or nay? Vote below and as always, leave your comments with your positive criticism.

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