Friday, July 26, 2024

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Diva Dirt Shakes Things Up!

In WWE, it’s customary to ‘shake things up’ post-WrestleMania. Well we thought it would be fitting for Diva Dirt to follow suit and shake things up around here too!

We’re really pleased to introduce two new bloggers to the team: Lacey and Tiffany. Neither is a stranger to Diva Dirt as they both started as commenters like Hassan and Steven before them. If you’re a frequent visitor of the site, I’m sure you’ve read Lacey’s comments and Tiffany’s comments under the username, Malfunkshun.

We’re also happy to reveal that former Diva Dirt blogger Josie will be bringing back her unique style to the site, in a new weekly column. I’m sure you read the Sunday newspapers which feature a lot of comment pieces and columns and that’s what Josie will be bringing to us every weekend!

Please make them feel welcome!

PS: If you think you could be Diva Dirt‘s next blogista in training, click here. As you’ve probably guessed by now, it seems that our great additions to the team usually start off as regular readers just like you, who enjoy having their say in the comment box. So if why not hone your skills too? You never know, we could be knocking at your door!

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