Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Diva Dirt Team Changes & Contribution Opportunities

Over the past couple of weeks, we have gotten more e-mails than ever from people wanting to be part of the Diva Dirt team or contribute to the site in some way. We are pleased to announce that we now have some opportunities available!

TNA correspondent
First of all, it’s with sadness we announce that Tiffany has decided to leave the Diva Dirt team. Tiffany has not only been a valuable member of our team but become such a close friend to all of us, we want to take this time to thank her for everything she has contributed and hope that she will return one day, the door is left firmly open for her.

With that we announce that the spot of TNA correspondent and a position on the Diva Dirt team is now available. This position will include posting relevant news regarding the TNA Knockouts, contributing other features, writing the weekly Impact review column in the style of the Raw and SmackDown Redux, writing a monthly pay per view review column and taking part in audio shows.

We ask that you be: fluent in writing English, have good humour and personality in your writing, have some use of HTML and WordPress, are able to use Photoshop and have knowledge in recording and editing audio. We also request you are able to use Skype and keep in contact by e-mail, instant messenger and cell phone. You will also have the opportunity to conduct interviews. Please note that we do ask for a considerable amount of time each week.

This position will provide excellent experience for future work in the field of journalism and particularly online journalism.

If you are interested, please e-mail us at [email protected] with the subject line ‘TNA correspondent’. In your e-mail include details about you [name, age, where you’re from, whether you study/work etc.], why you want to be part of the site, let us know how much time you can offer us and also please provide a sample of your written work — perhaps a sample Impact column.

While we only have one full-time position available at the moment, we understand that others may be looking for avenues to publish their work and have decided to offer the opportunity to have work published here. Though you won’t be a member of the team, we will allow you the opportunity to publish your work at Diva Dirt in freelance fashion.

To submit an idea for a piece of writing or a series of writing please e-mail us at [email protected] with the subject line ‘Contributor’. If we like the sound of your idea and think it will fit the site, we’ll respond and ask you to e-mail your work and we’ll publish it.

Audio show panelists
Due to the success of our audio shows, we have decided to expand on the current Post-Raw Show by introducing post-shows for Impact and SmackDown on a weekly basis.

* The Post-Impact Show will be led by Steven and we are looking for two panelists who are willing to contribute to the show on a weekly basis. Panelists must be available on Skype or by cell phone on Thursday evenings from 9pm to 11.30pm ET. The show will be recorded usually directly after the Knockouts’ action or directly after the show and will be available on Thursday nights on the site. If you are interested e-mail us at [email protected] with ‘Post-Impact’ in the subject line, telling us if you meet our availability and why you’d like to do the show. Please remember: You must be available weekly.

* The Post-SmackDown Show is currently looking for a team who can record and edit the audio and have it ready for us on Friday evenings. Ideally, we are looking for 3 people with one person recording the show, editing it and sending it to us for publishing. The show will go online after SmackDown on Friday evenings. This could be ideal for a group of friends wishing to apply as a group or we can also take individual applications and create a team. E-mail us at [email protected] with ‘Post-SmackDown’ in the subject line.

We are really excited to continue to expand the site in 2010 and hope that this will be a good opportunity for those who want to get involved with the site!

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