Friday, July 26, 2024

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Diva Dirt’s 10 Wishes & Predictions for 2010

2009 has just flown by, hasn’t it? It feels like only yesterday we were dishing out the Year-End Awards for 2008. But as we are on the eve of 2010, what a perfect time to convey our wishes and predictions for the year ahead! Feel free to add your own wishes and predictions in the comments!

First, just to get the wishful thinking out of the way…

Wishes for 2010

* Firstly, we really hope Melina has a speedy and/or miraculous recovery. If it is as serious as thought, Raw just won’t be the same without her.
* Allow Tara to have a long and fulfilling Knockouts Championship reign. She deserves one great run with a belt!
* Here’s hoping to a fucking decent WrestleMania match this year. [Sidebar: Beth vs Michelle if we’re getting specific.]
* Dear WWE, that chick Gail Kim? She can wrestle rings around most of your men. Use her, push her, give her a title for chrissakes!
* TNA, take note: Alissa Flash. Same thing.
* Give the proverbial ball to Alicia Fox, Daffney and Eve Torres and let them run with it. They all have a lot to offer and it isn’t just their boobs.
* Dear American work visa people, please let Angelina Love come back to TNA!
* I love Saritaylor as a team but I’m kinda curious to see them in a feud. If you must break them up, give us a series of three-to-five epic matches, won’t you TNA?
* SmackDown, please don’t suffer a slump. We’re counting on you!
* Since we have just one more wish we may as well blow it on something HUGE! Title reigns for Alissa Flash, Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, Hamada and Natalya are a must.

Predictions after the cut:

Predictions for 2010

* It should come of no surprise that Maryse will probably hold the Divas Championship at some point in 2010.
* A fifth Women’s Championship reign for Mickie James seems likely also.
* Further title predictions: Awesome Kong (Knockouts), Kelly Kelly (Divas) and The Beautiful People (Knockouts Tag Team).
* Something tells me Mickie may not be a Diva by year’s end. [Sidebar: Hope I’m wrong.]
* Lacey Von Erich will finally strip for Playboy, but will she be a TNA Knockout when she does?
* Maria will not win The Celebrity Apprentice.
* Trish Stratus will return at some point and do a full blown storyline this time.
* A heel turn for Tara at some point in the year and a babyface turn for Michelle McCool.
* A ‘Beautiful’ breakup. My guess is TBP will be no more by year’s end.
* At least one more shocking departure. [Gail Kim? ODB?]

So those are our wishes and predictions for 2010! What are yours? Drop them in the comments!

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