Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Diva Dirt’s TNA Victory Road Tip Sheet

Tonight on pay per view, the TNA Knockout Championship will be on the line in a rematch from Thursday night’s Impact. Awesome Kong will get a chance to regain the gold from new champion, Taylor Wilde. Meanwhile, Gail Kim will face off against the Beautiful People’s Angelina Love. Check out our tip sheet below:

TNA Knockout Championship: Taylor Wilde vs Awesome Kong
Doug: Taylor Wilde, Kong has had the belt long enough, and it’s time for more Knockouts to get the chance at it.
Erin: Taylor *just* won the title, so I don’t see her dropping it here. Kong will probably beat the crap out of her, but she’ll narrowly escape with the title, keeping in tact her reign and underdog role. It would be stupid for TNA to have her drop the title right now, since that would defeat the purpose of the feud – for David to outsmart Goliath. It’s not as fun when David’s chasing Goliath, is it?
Melanie: I’m with the others here, Taylor has to win here. It would be stupid to have her drop the title just “three days” *cough* after winning it. To be honest, the whole Kong challenge storyline has sucked and I think it’s damaged Kong’s character. It seems like something you’d pull if you have no other storyline ideas for a character; I truly think TNA is totally playing this by ear and doesn’t have a vision for where the storyline will go. Taylor should win, but I don’t see her getting over as champion, not smart to put the title on her so soon – just ask Gail Kim. I think this could be a move to put the title on someone who is “beatable”, like you could see Taylor drop the title to another Knockout whereas it would be less realistic to have Kong drop the title without hurting her character. Taylor could be a transitional champ, I would love to see Gail get another reign or ODB. The problem is, TNA has so few heels at the moment other than Kong. I don’t realistically see either of the Beautiful People winning the title. Anyhoo that’s a story for another day, Taylor gets the win somehow.

Gail Kim vs Angelina Love
Doug: Angelina Love, she hasn’t won at a PPV yet, and I somehow see her pulling out the victory.
Erin: With ODB and Velvet Sky probably factoring in, it’s tough to say who’ll win.. I’m leaning towards Gail, since she’s the better wrestler, but Velvet and Angel are a better team, so they’ll probably find a way to outsmart Gail and “paperbag” both her and ODB. I’m going with the blondes here.
Melanie: I think this could be a really good match first of all and could raise Angelina to that next level. I think she has what it takes to be a top Knockout (I was so going to write top Diva), so I am pleased they chose Angelina over Velvet for this pay per view match. Ang is the better worker of the two and has more chance of getting over in future. Gail is a top babyface and usually wins all her matches, I’d like to see her actually put over Angelina in this match though. Gail hasn’t got anything to lose by doing so, because she’s been built up so strong as the Trish-esque figure of this division. Angelina for the win.

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