Friday, July 26, 2024

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Divas Reprimanded for Too Much Cleavage


In a sign that WWE is really PG, a thing that would have been encouraged a few years ago is now taboo in WWE. SmackDown Diva, Maria, reveals to the LA Times:

The wrestling attire for the ladies has become more conservative as well. Maria Kanellis, one of the WWE’s “diva” wrestlers, used to perform in lingerie but these days tries to dress “a little more sophisticated” for her matches.

“The guys miss it, but that’s how it goes,” she said.

Her costumes now consist of leggings, lots of “fringe outfits and things that are sparkly.” It’s not unusual, she said, for some of the girls to get reprimanded for “showing too much cleavage,” something that would’ve never happened a few years ago.

I find this really funny considering Slash’s comments. It seems like today is ‘Diva Conduct Day’ or something. I’m all for less cleavage, it’s one less thing the girls have to contend with when they want to show off their wrestling ability. Now if we could do something about the piss-poor writing, 3 minute matches and general disdain for women’s wrestling…

Random Observation: I love how they put ‘Diva’ in quotation marks. It’s like they thought, “Nah, that’s not a real occupation…” And for most of the girls it’s not.

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