Monday, July 22, 2024

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FWE “No Limits” Results, Pictures & Videos: Maria Kanellis Retains Women’s Championship

Poster Family Wrestling Entertainment returned to Internet pay per view last night with three women’s matches, including Maria Kanellis successfully defending her Women’s Championship against Angelina Love.

Also in action were Reby Sky, Ivelisse Velez, Gail Kim and Winter.

Former Divas Champion Maryse appeared on commentary.

Results from the show have come to you thanks to

* Dark Match: Winter def. Gail Kim. This is a dark match due to Kim’s TNA deal. Winter cut a promo on Kim being married to chef Robert Irvine and said she could tell Kim “has been eating some really good food.” She then tried to cozy up to the referee,

Kim opened up fast with a clothesline and a bodypress off the top for a two count. Winter retreated to the back and the referee prevented Kim from going after her.

When she returned, Winter nailed a cheapshot and choked Kim against the ropes. Kim came back with a submission but was drilled down by Winter for a two count. Winter worked over Kim, who made a big comeback.

Kim went for the Eat Defeat but Winter nailed her in the back to prevent it. Winter kissed the referee to distract him and nailed Kim with a low blow, then rolled her up for the pin.

* Maria accompanied Mike Bennett and Chris Mordetsky (the former Chris Masters) to ringside.

* Ivelisse Velez def. Reby Sky. Velez took the mic and told Sky she was fake and wasn’t a real Puerto Rican.  She said she was going to do everyone a favor and tell Sky to get out.  Sky told her to shut the hell up.  She said she wasn’t born in Puerto Rico but represents her Island.  She told Velez she wasn’t born in PR either.

Velez  attacked her and worked Sky over on the floor.  Back in the ring, Sky armdragged her over but Velez kicked her down.  They went into a test of strength but Velez nailed her.

Sky went for a kick but her leg was grabbed and pulled, then slammed down, making her perform a split as she went down.  Velez worked her over and scored several two counts. Velez aggressively worked over Sky and scored several two counts.

Velez took Sky to the mat and worked her over there for some time, trying to force a submission.   Sky fired back with several forearms.  Velez battled back.  They ripped at each other’s hair and crashed to the mat.  Sky nailed a rana and nailed a bulldog out of the corner for a two count.

Velez cut Sky off and locked in a front guillotine choke into a DDT for the pin.

* FWE Women’s Championship Match: Maria Kanellis (c) def. Angelina Love. Kanellis drilled Love with several kicks but was caught with a clothesline.  Love slammed her down to the mat.  Maria went to the floor, retreating.  Back in the ring, Love worked over Maria’s arm.  They went back to the floor, where Maria worked her over and slammed Love’s face into the ring apron.

Maria stomped away at Love in the ring and distracted the referee to allow Mike Bennett to choke Love.   Love came off the ropes with a sunset flip on Maria for a two count.  Maria drilled her with a backbreaker over the knee for a two count.

Maria continued to control Love on the mat, using a side chinlock and an armbar.  Love came back with a jawbreaker.   Love exploded with a series of clotheslines while rebounding off the ropes.   Love drilled Maria with a DDT.

Maria grabbed the belt to nail Love but was rolled up.  Bennett distracted the referee.   Maria rolled up Love and hooked the tights to get the pin.

* Reby Sky also accompanied Matt Hardy in the main event (Carlito defending his FWE Championship against Hardy and Tommy Dreamer). At one point during the match, Sky hit the ring but Dreamer stopped before he hit her as well.  She began shoving him so he shot her into the ropes.  She came off with a twisting head scissors takeover. Sky checked on Hardy but Dreamer grabbed her and piledrove her.

* Maryse and Winter both commentated. also managed to get interviews with the likes of Maryse and Ivelisse. Check them out below:

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