Friday, July 26, 2024

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Gail Kim’s Final Words for Fellow Knockouts

TNA has launched an official website for their upcoming Knocked Out DVD that is dedicated solely to our gorgeous and talented Knockouts. At the site, you can check out all the Knockouts’ entrance videos as well as pictures and trailers! Check it out by clicking here.

One of the things that you’ll find at the site is this extended trailer for the DVD, which features a final audio interview with Gail Kim after news broke of her contract expiring. I’m assuming this will be included on the DVD and if so, I think it’s a very classy move by TNA, allowing Gail’s time with the company have some closure. If you skip to the end of the trailer you can hear a small snippet of that audio interview in which Gail has some final, heart rendering words for her fellow Knockouts:

On a closing note, I’d love to say to the fellow Knockouts, thank you for everything and I think all the accomplishments we’ve achieved, we couldn’t have done without each other. And even though I’m not going to be part of the company, I want them to keep on kicking some butt and keep the women’s wrestling strong and I’m gonna try to do the same wherever I may go. And with the friends, I know everyone supports me in anything I do and what decisions I make. So with the fans I just hope no one’s disappointed because I’m very passionate about wrestling and I will always give 150% when I’m in that ring and I hope that they’ll always be entertained.

View the video below:

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