Friday, July 26, 2024

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Glamazon Puts Things in Perspective

It was the match that shook the world on Monday night, when Beth Phoenix beat Santino. Well Beth put her very face-like antics into perspective in this week’s Diva Dish, sounding very heel-like. So for those who thought this was the beginning of a face turn for the Glamazon, think again:

Brave Glamazon
Beth Phoenix has never been a Diva to back down from a challenge. That’s why this past Monday on Raw, The Glamazon got in the ring with Santino Marella and picked up a win. (WATCH)

“I did what I said I’m always going to do – raise the bar. Santino issued an open challenge to anyone in the locker room. The Divas have a locker room, as well, you know,” the Raw Diva said.

“I’m sure he didn’t expect me when I came out. A lot of my opponents have underestimated me in the past and I’m here to make a statement – that each and every time I come to the ring, The Glamazon is doing nothing but heading straight to the top,” she continued. “Former Intercontinental Champion Santino Marella is a tough guy, but tonight The Glamazon was tougher!”

Phoenix assured us she’s not afraid of any opponent, and if Marella wants to return for more punishment, she’s game.

“As many times as Santino wants to challenge me and put me down, I’ll be glad to take him on and show him that The Glamazon is tops!” she said.

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