Tuesday, February 4, 2025

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Groundbreaking Ashley News!

Now, I know that I’m only here to help with TNA and such, but I just thought I should put this news up asap. WWE Raw’s Ashley has a very big secret that she has been hiding from just about everyone. Oh, and she is also leaving the WWE “for now”. Read below for her Myspace confession:

some unfortunate news…this is the hardest decision i have ever had to make

I have some thing to tell you guys and I wanted u 2 be the first 2 hear it…I tried very hard out of the respect I have for her privacy and not wanting her 2 be exposed in any negative light but I have a 7yr old daughter and I just found out 2day that she not well and I can’t be on the road with WWE when my own flesh and blood needs me…I am a single parent trying 2 juggle taking care of my child and working my butt off for her and now at this point when she is sick and needs me home I have 2 make the decision 2 bow out of wwe for a while and take care of my daughter…I wish I could do both and that there were more ways 2 get everything done but with the severity of the situation I’m going 2 have 2 ask for an early release for now…I may be back if she gets better…please keep her in your prayers…I love the wwe…I love all the talent that works there and most of all I love all the fans…thanks for always being so supportive…so this is me taking a bow and stepping out of the lime light right now to take care of my family…stick with me guys cause I will be back somewhere some how when this is all over…thanks for all your love and support and I’m sorry 2 be the bearer of bad news…thanks and good night my punks…stick with me ill see you soon
Dirty Dirty

Wow. That’s about all I can say. How could anyone just hide the fact that they’ve been a parent for 7 years? Most would think “To help her career”, but is that even a good reason? I’m baffled at this point. I mean, we all knew this chick was a little weird anyway, but what the hell. That’s all I can say at this point. I’d love to hear what you all have to say about this one.

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