Thursday, September 12, 2024

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Hermie’s Hotseat with Alissa Flash

Since joining the TNA roster, it seems as though Alissa Flash has been criminally overlooked. Making her debut in a stellar match-up with Sarita, we have seen little of Flash since then, despite being one of the more compelling characters from the little we’ve seen of her on TV.

However, for Alissa Flash fans perhaps this can be of some consolation, as she is the latest guest on Hermie Sadler’s Emmy-worthy *cough* Hermie’s Hotseat.

It’s always important for the stars to be able to handle all aspects of being in the public eye — speaking engagements included. I always enjoy watching out of character interviews and such with the Divas/Knockouts, to see how well they fare, as I doubt they get the same media training as ‘real’ celebrities. Alissa does a good job here of coming across relaxed and personable, like Sarita who was on the show two weeks ago. Alissa looks good also; she owns the hairstyle and has made it her own, the top and jeans are a nice simple mix. The heavy eye make-up is a little distracting however, you can barely see her eyes!

On the subject of Alissa though, it seems like it’s been a rocky road for one of the newer Knockouts. While Sarita and more recently, Hamada have gotten their feet wet, Alissa has seemingly got lost in the shuffle since her critically acclaimed match with Sarita. She has been seen infrequently since, not exactly the best way to get over a new talent, especially one as talented as Alissa. Sure, she has to double-up as Raisha Saeed but I feel there’s more substance to the Alissa character and that’s the one that should take precedence. As I said on this week’s Roundtable, I feel Flash could be a marketable star that could fit into the top heel role left behind by Angelina Love.

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