Friday, July 26, 2024

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Impact Spoilers for Next Thursday (July 30th, 2009)

Spoilers for the second night of TNA’s Impact tapings are up. They will be airing next week (July 30th). Highlight to read:

*ODB w/Cody Deaner, Tara & Awesome Kong w/Raisha Saied defeated The Beautiful People when ODB rolled up Love.

*Sarita & Taylor Wilde defeated Traci Brooks & Alyssa Flash when Sarita pinned Flash. [Source: PWInsider]

Thoughts under the cut:

Erin’s Thoughts
Two Knockout matches is definitely a good sign. With the surplus of girls TNA has, it’s nice to see a good number of them being put to use. Still, if WWE has taught us anything, 6-women tag team matches don’t always make for the best wrestling. I’m keeping my hopes high, though. I’m itching to see what Traci can do in an actual match after being gone so long, and I’m intrigued by Alyssa Flash, as most of us are.

Still no Ayako Hamada. Perhaps the third night of tapings will be the charm? No Christy Hemme, either, but I’m not waiting with bated breath for that one.

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