Friday, July 26, 2024

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Impact Spoilers For Upcoming Shows

Below are spoilers for upcoming shows, dates not confirmed. If I had to guess they will be padded out over the next few weeks’ worth of shows. None of this airs this week, however:

Awesome Kong vs. “the Future Legend” Cheerleader Melissa. Kong wins following an Awesome Bomb. Crowd was redhot and 100% behind Melissa, the ovation she got was amazing. Conspicuous by her absence at ringside was Raisha Saied.

Daffney defeated Taylor Wilde. During the match, Dr Stevie & Raven come down to ringside with a kendo stick. Post match, the trio hover over Wilde & Lauren came down to help her back. Raven takes the mic and says that for 10 years people have been wanting the reunion of himself and Stevie. He says that Abyss didn’t obey doctor’s orders. –

Thoughts after the cut:

Melanie’s POV
Weird that Victoria was left off this taping, you’d think they’d follow up what we are going to see this week. There’s another taping tomorrow, so hopefully they film enough footage to pad out the tapings between now and Slammiversary, giving Victoria the build she needs as a new starter.

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