Thursday, January 16, 2025

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Impact Spoilers: January 14th, 2010

Spoilers for next Thursday’s episode of Impact are below courtesy of Diva Dirt reader, Lauren. Click the ‘+’ to read:

Impact - January 14th, 2010
* Angelina Love is sitting in the crowd.

* Awesome Kong & Hamada vs The Beautiful People (Madison & Velvet w/ Lacey)
Before getting in the ring, the girls hug and acknowledge Angelina at ringside, all except Lacey Von Erich. Kong pins Madison Rayne with the Awesome Bomb.
Winners: Kong & Hamada

After the match, Angelina comes into the ring and checks on the girls but ends up attacking all three members of The Beautiful People in a face turn. This was frigging awesome!!! The crowd loved it!

* Webmatch:  Tara vs Daffney
Tara wins with the Widow’s Peak. Good match, crowd were into it. Tara looks even better in person.
Winner: Tara

Melanie’s thoughts after the cut:

Melanie’s Thoughts
Angelina’s back and as a badass babyface! I know a lot of people wanted to see this [including Krissy Vaine] and it’s definitely an interesting dynamic rather than having her go back to the group. Can’t wait to see how this plays out on TV!

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