Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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Impact Spoilers (Night #2): December 17th, 2009

Spoilers for next week’s Impact are now out, courtesy of our TNA tapings correspondent Camden! The show airs December 17th on Spike. Click the ‘+’ to read:

Impact - December 17th, 2009
– Roxxi defeats ODB in a non-title match. ODB attacks Roxxi post-match and tries to strangle her with a bandanna, but Tara comes running in to save her (with a really bad “black eye” makeup job). (Source: Diva Dirt correspondent, Camden)

– The Beautiful People of Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne w/Lacey Von Erich vs. Awesome Kong & Hamada vs. Sarita & Taylor Wilde. Lacey stayed on the apron for the first minute of the match. Kong and Hamada won after Kong sat on Madison as the counter to a sunset flip. Afterwards Lacey called Lauren a skank during an interview and Lauren slapped her.

Xplosion: Daffney w/Dr. Stevie vs. Traci Brooks. Daffney won with a schoolgirl and handful of tighter after a Dr. Stevie distraction. (Source: Wrestling News World)

Note: When using our news/spoilers please provide the appropriate credit i.e. a text link back to this page.

Thoughts after the cut:

Erin’s Thoughts
It’s weird to see a heel shift in ODB’s character, but I’m looking forward to seeing what she and Tara can do together (especially this week’s match between them). It’s nice to see Roxxi get a win over the champ.

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