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Impact Wrestling Discussion Post: April 12th, 2018

Tonight on Impact Wrestling, Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie do battle in a Demon’s Dance Match.

Read ImpactWrestling.com’s preview of tonight’s show below:

The collision course between Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary has been building for nearly a year. Tonight we will see the first ever Demon’s Dance between the rival Knockouts. Lucaha Royalty and The Demon Assassin are the polar opposites of each other. Rosemary is the leader of the Hivelings, a sorceress who commands an army of a united faithful following.

Taya Valkyrie brought a cold front to IMPACT Wrestling, the Road to Valhalla literally smashing the faces of Knockouts on IMPACT Wrestling. Taya brought an immediate threat to Rosemary. They have traded mist to each others faces. This rivalry has transcended IMPACT Wrestling and this match needs to happen. It needs to be Demon’s Dance.

Demon’s Dance between Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie means that anything goes, there are no rules, win by pinfall or submission and the best Knockout reigns supreme.

Will it be Red Wedding or The Road to Valhalla? Will the winner earn a future Knockouts Championship match? Thursday night is going to be monumental. The Main Event is set, Rosemary vs. Taya Valkyrie. You are invited to a different kind of dance, the Demon’s Dance and all eyes will be on these two Knockouts.

While Allie is currently dealing with her own issues, namely Su Yung, Allie can’t help but to look ahead. The Knockouts Champion has to know that Taya and Rosemary are coming. Coming for her title. Coming for gold.

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