Monday, January 20, 2025

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Impact Wrestling Spoilers: March 16 & 23, 2017

Below are spoilers for upcoming episodes of Impact Wrestling, Xplosion and One Night Only.


* ODB defeated Rebel with a TKO. ODB drank the flask & kissed Earl Hebner after Earl kissed Rebel after putting on her hat.

* Sienna says she hopes Allie/Sutter have fun while it lasts. First time they sleep together will be a hospital. Sienna leaves.

* Bruce Prichard is out talking about the tag titles. He says the titles are won in the ring and not through time and space. He announces that in two weeks four teams will compete for the vacant tag titles. First out is Decay who said they rescued the titles from time and space. Reno Scum come out next saying they beat DCC. Laredo Kid and Garza Jr. are also out. Decay takes out the other teams. At that point, Konnan shows up and reveals the new LAX (featuring Homicide, Angel Rose and the tag team EYFBO from CZW). LAX lays out Decay and covers them with the flag.

* Davey Richards (w/ Angelina Love) defeated Suicide.

* Reno Scum defeated The Decay when Rosemary accidentally sprayed mist at Crazzy Steve.

* Karen Jarrett is out and is praising IMPACT Wrestling and the fans. EC3 interrupts her and talks himself up as the man in IMPACT. He said he wasn’t doing it for her last name but his. Josh Mathews interrupts and runs down the new regime saying the Jarretts will be gone soon enough. This offends Karen who slaps Matthews. Jeremy Borash flipped Matthews the bird and the two left. EC3 stood with Matthews until Madison Rayne came out and consoled her husband telling him he was right. Madison said to EC3, you need to think long and hard about whats going on.

* Rosemary defeats Santana Garrett.


* Angelina Love defeats MJ Jenkins.


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