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Impact Wrestling Spoilers: May 30th, 2013

The following spoilers were taped last night after the live airing of Impact Wrestling:

* Mickie James came to the ring to celebrate her title win from last week. She said it has been almost two years since she was the title. She thanks for the fans and says she loves them. She said there has been a minute handful who have doubted how she won the title. She said it is not fair and she deserves the belt and would like to address it right now and calls out her dear friend Velvet Sky. Velvet comes out, noticeably with her knee tapes up. Mickie says she said she was willing to wait until Velvet was 100% ready and calls her a fighting champion. She asks the fans to give it up for Velvet. Velvet takes the mic and says the support from the fans has been great. At the end of the day though she wants her rematch. Mickie says the rematch can be whenever and Velvet requests for Slammiversary. Mickie says she already spoke with Brooke who already signed Gail and Taryn for Slammiversary. Gail’s music hits. Gail claims Mickie won the title with her help after she destroyed Velvet’s leg and says that she has been frustrated for a long time. Gail and Velvet bicker over who is next Iine. Gail kicks Velvet in her bad knee and goes to do her let submission in the turnbuckle. Taryn chases Gail off. Mickie slowly backs up the ramp and leaves. Velvet is helped to the back. Up next we have an intergender tag.

* Chris Sabin and Taryn Tarrell defeated Kenny King & Gail Kim when Sabin hit his cross legged sit out piledriver. Sabin took a mic and said after two torn ACLs and two years of physical surgery he becomes a 5-time X-Division Champion. Kenny hits him with the belt. He goes to hit the Royal Flush on Sabin but Suicide runs out and hits his move on Kenny. He picks up the belt and looks at it as he and Sabin have a staredown. (Source)


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