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Impact Write-Up (April 26th, 2016): Every Rose Has Its Thorn

Welcome to this week’s Impact Write-Up, the “Sacrifice-Free-on-TV” edition. Putting aside the fancy name label, the show is still just another episode of Impact Wrestling. Oh, how I still do miss the actual monthly PPVs TNA once had but that’s a discussion for another time.

Newly appointed leader of the Knockouts division Maria Kanellis begins her time in power this week and, as expected, the first person she picks a bone with is Gail Kim. The two have already been at odds but how will things shape out with Maria’s newly authority role? Will Gail continue to challenge her boss to a physical contest? How will Rosemary do in her official singles in-ring TNA debut? All these questions and more to be answered next!

We first find Maria backstage talking to her Magic Mirror:

She is sporting some new cat like ears as she proclaims the vision she has for the Knockouts division. The Knockouts and fans alike are all curious to see what Maria has in store and the First Lady of Professional Wrestling assures that no one will stop her, not even Gail Kim.

From the Magic Mirror room to the ring, Maria paints an evolution image of the changes she wants to bring to the Knockouts division. Before Maria can lay out her plans to fulfill this vision, out comes Gail Kim for a mic-to-mic exchange with her new boss. Gail says the day Maria became the new boss for the Knockouts division was a sad day for the Knockouts.

Maria bypasses Gail’s comment and instead, insists that she is delusional for thinking that she has built something great within the Knockouts division. Gail switches the topic over to Rosemary and The Decay, accusing Maria of being behind last week’s kidnapping by the goons! As the old saying goes, “innocent until proven guilty” and with no physical proof, Maria’s name is cleared from these alleged charges by Gail. Knowing Gail’s love for wrestling, Maria books a match for Gail, allowing her to square off against her abductor last week, Rosemary.

Marilyn Manson’s “The Nobodies” theme song hits as Rosemary makes her entrance, Crazzy Steve at her side. The pair makes a unique entrance together, one that I have to admit, completely blows away anything Steve was doing with Rebel during their time as the playful Menagerie group. We head to a commercial break.

Once we return from our break, the match is underway and Gail Kim is taking the fight to Rosemary. The five time Knockouts champion unleashes her fists of fury to Rosemary at a corner, while also adding a running forearm and a corner crossbody to the mix. Maria watches the action unfold, being just a few feet away from the ring. She mocks Gail by calling her name and distracts Gail long enough for Rosemary to take control of the match by tossing Gail shoulder first to a ring post.

Rosemary throws Gail back inside the ring and goes for the pin, only to earn a count of one. Rosemary takes Gail to a corner and strikes her in the chest with numerous forearm shots. An underhook suplex follows and Rosemary goes for a pin cover, earning a two count. The Knockouts swap back-to-back pin covers and submissions until they meet at another turnbuckle corner.

From there, Gail lands a running elbow and goes for a second one but Rosemary counters with a big boot. She then applies an illegal submission hold with the use of the ring ropes, much to a liking for Crazzy Steve. He shares a touchy moment with Rosemary but gets knocked to the ground when Gail Kim hits a running dropkick to Rosemary. Gail fights fire with fire and applies her illegal ring post Figure Four submission, breaking the hold when the referee orders her to get back in the ring.

A series of kicks to the chest from Gail Kim await Rosemary when she reenters the ring. Gail’s momentum arises when she takes Rosemary down with a running shoulder block, running back elbow, flying forearm and top rope crossbody! Go Gail go! When Rosemary manages to kick out from a pin cover, Gail looks for an Eat Defeat finish but Rosemary reverses this. Rosemary scoops Gail up to mount her over her shoulders but Gail counters this with an elbow show and reverse DDT combination.

Another pin cover attempt by Gail falls short thanks to an interfering Crazzy Steve, who pulls Gail out of the ring. Gail slaps Steve twice for his actions and goes back to work on Rosemary. Gail climbs the top rope but here comes more interference, this time from Maria.

From the ring apron, Maria orders Gail to climb off the top rope. Gail obeys but only to smack her boss across the face. Referee Earl Hebner breaks things off but when Gail turns her attention back to Rosemary, she is blinded by a mist attack! Rosemary follows up with an F-5 finisher and successfully puts Gail away for the three count.

Rosemary wasn’t the only Decay member victorious this week. Abyss and Crazzy Steve also picked up a win during their hardcore TNA Tag Team title match against Beer Money. The team captured the gold after Rosemary hit a departed Bobby Roode with a low blow, allowing Abyss to finish the job with a chokeslam to a puddle of tacks in the ring.

As sad as I am to see Roode leave, I’m grateful for all of the years he has given to TNA. On a personal level, his Ego Hall of Fame induction and speech will be my favorite memory coming from Roode. Good luck in your NXT (?) chapter you Canadian Casanova!

Lastly, we get an appearance from Reby Sky. She gives her brother-in-law Jeff Hardy an update on Matt Hardy‘s condition after last week’s “I Quit” match. She warns Jeff about the emotional changes Matt has gone through and adds a spit to the face as well. Lackey Rockstar Spud tries to get physical as well but Jeff puts him away with a Twist of Faith.

Thoughts: Not too bad of a singles ring debut for Rosemary. A win over Gail Kim is certainly a boost for any debuting Knockout. Of course, as we saw with the case of Santana Garrett, what really counts is what happens afterwards!

However, one thing I will say that Rosemary has going for her is this character and gimmick that she has really been exceeding with since her TNA debut. She grabs your attention and is truly the reason that makes The Decay worth watching. I do hope with The Decay now winning the Tag Team titles, we’ll see more of Rosemary, should she be sidelined in the Knockouts division again. Rosemary showed a very solid display in this match and it would be a waste to have her in a permanent manager role.

This match was about furthering the Gail Kim and Maria feud and while I can give TNA props for giving us something to latch on with a storyline, I want to make sure it doesn’t completely overshadow any other potential Knockout feuds; looking at you Knockouts champ Jade. Find your new opponent and may it lead to a memorable feud during this first reign as champion!

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