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Impact Write-Up (October 5th, 2017): Eyes on the prize

Hola Knockout fans and welcome to this week’s Impact Write-Up. With Bound for Glory less than a month away, the time has come to start building up the card to Impact’s biggest wrestling PPV of the year!

This week, the Knockouts take a break from in-ring action and instead come together to set up our official Knockouts Championship match come next month. So wait, with things converting back to Impact Wrestling, does that mean the previous TNA/Impact Knockouts Championship belt will make a comeback over the GFW one?

Our Knockouts segment of the night starts off with the reigning Knockouts Champion Sienna (accompanied by her no business cousin KM) making their way to the ring to address the Knockouts division. She finds it weird that the current Knockouts Champion isn’t schedule to defend her title at the Impact Wrestling’s biggest PPV.

She claims to have already beaten the entire Knockouts division to a bloody pulp (only partially true if we’re still counting the likes of Alisha Edwards, Diamante and MJ Jenkins) and comest to the conclusion that the reason she must not be competing at Bound for Glory is because she is the inductee for this year’s Hall of Fame. After taking in some flattery on the unofficial news, Sienna selects KM to induct her and goes on to say she may as well retire as Champion – the one thing Gail Kim could never do!

Last year’s actual Hall of Famer inductee Gail Kim comes out, looking as fierce as ever, to confront Sienna. Gail reminds Sienna of how long and hard she has fought for the Knockouts division. Gail adds that their Knockouts Title match Destination X was only won by Sienna due to the interference from Taryn Terrell.

Well speak of the devil… or rather everyday nightmare! Here comes Taryn Terrell next to join her fellow Knockouts in the ring. She borrows Sienna’s mic to grab everyone’s attention for a little history listen. She correct a previous statement from Sienna about the Knockouts Championship. Actually Sienna, the longest reigning Knockouts Champion in history is none other than TARYN TERRELL!!!!! You’re not wrong about that! And just for kicks, Taryn tells Gail to worry about the fact that she’s never beaten her. Well… now I have to say you are wrong about that Taryn.

Allie’s music hit and she hesitantly makes her way to ring. She acknowledges that Sienna is the current Knockouts Champion, Taryn Terrell is the longest reigning Knockouts Champion and Ms. Gail is a Hall of Famer but she’s Allie! Oddly enough, this is enough to fire the Impact Zone up and chant Allie’s name. Even though I think Impact missed out on some opportunities to capitalize on Allie’s peak, its still cool to see her beloved by fans. Allie goes on to say because she has been working so hard, she deserves a Knockouts Title shot too.

All that being said, out comes Karen Jarrett to address the Knockouts inside the six sided ring. She brush off the idea that Sienna will be inducted into the Hall of Fame at Bound for Glory. Instead, she announces that Sienna will defend the Knockouts title against Allie, Gail Kim AND Taryn Terrell!

With our Bound for Glory Knockouts Championship match now officially in place, Sienna comments on how special this year’s event is to her knowing that she is going in as champion.

Meanwhile Gail talks about wrapping up her career at the end of 2017. She says every wrester wants to finish their careers on their own terms. During her time away, she missed the fans and the adrenaline from performing,

There is also a Laurel Van Ness sighting this week as she continues to roam around the Impact Zone for companionship. Ugh, at least she doesn’t have to wear that wedding dress anymore?

Thoughts: When I first heard that this year would be Gail Kim’s final year as an in-ring competitor, I really didn’t know what or how her final match would come together. Initially, on Impact Wrestling television anyway, I thought it would’ve been great to see Angelina move on from her feud with the Edwards to enter in one more feud with Gail. Both women are truly pioneers to the Knockouts division since its birth – which will celebrate its tenth year soon! But with Angelina’s requesting and being granted her release, that idea idea went out the window.

Fast forward a few months later and Taryn Terrell makes her shocking return to the wrestling world! As one of Gail Kim’s greatest rival, this put me a bit more at ease for a fitting send off for Gail. However since then, its been a bit disappointing that the new Gail/Taryn chapter has been meshed with Sienna as I really think these two have enough history to feud outside the title scene. I suppose the company just wants to, at least, have Gail end her career on top.

Despite all that, I am looking forward to seeing how this Fatal 4-Way match will play out. It hides Taryn’s ring rust, allows Gail to help elevate her opponents and the title match and gives a spot to new names Sienna (who has really made the most since the breakup of the Lady Squad) and Allie to be on the card. Even though I find Allie’s reasoning of “working hard” not exactly being a valid one for a title opportunity, I think this will be a chance for Allie to really showcase what she can do in the ring. Hopefully it leads to Allie being seen more as a serious competitor.

What did you think of this week’s episode of Impact? Who are you rooting for at Bound for Glory? Do you think Bound for Glory will truly be Gail’s final match before retiring? Let us know in the comments below!

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