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Impact Write-Up (August 14th, 2014): Gail Beats the Odds, While the Odds Beat the Beautiful People

What’s up all you Knockout fans? A big warm welcome this this week’s Write-Up!

If you watched Impact last week, or came here to read my write (in which case, thank you ILY), then you’ll remember that Gail Kim announced she would be defending her Knockouts championship in a Fatal Four Way match. Not only were her opponents going to be Taryn Terrell and Angelina Love, but Velvet Sky – Angelina’s partner in all things devious – was to be included as well! This didn’t sit well with Angelina, who looked less than happy.

First off, though, I want to drop in on the latest “something” is coming video.

Alright, we have H, V and K. So really there’s not much room left for deliberation. Now we just have to bide our time until she (or it or him – if you still want to pretend you don’t know) arrives on Impact. Fingers crossed we don’t have to wait long, and that Havok will bring with her an array of Knockout possibility.

Obviously Dixie Carter went through a table last week, so we won’t be hearing from her this week. Onward to a quick backstage segment of the Beautiful People!

Angelina just wants to clear the air and make sure there are no issues between her and Velvet, since Gail was trying to drive a wedge between them. Velvet assures her that they’re all good, and gives her BFF a smack on the bum for added effect. As you do. She says one of them is walking out Knockouts champion, but Angelina’s not to happy about that. It seems there was a miscommunication somewhere. She heads off after Velvet to clarify it, I’m sure, as we go to commercial.

We’re back for the match, but right before TBP make their entrance Mike Tenay reveals that next week he’ll have an exclusive interview with Dixie Carter. I’m looking forward to that!

Angelina and Velvet are out first, followed by Taryn Terrell. The announcers remind us that Taryn is the only one of the four ladies not to have held the Knockouts championship. Foreshadowing, perhaps? Almost certainly. Taryn looks great in gold! Gail is out last. The bell rings and we’re underway.

Angelina makes a beeline for Taryn as Velvet takes on Gail. The champ manages to turn the tables on Velvet for a little while, but Angelina soon intervenes and Gail is nailed with a sidewalk/neckbreaker combo. Very nice from the Beautiful People. Something tells me the cooperation is going to be short-lived, however. TBP play up to the crowd, and then turn their attention to Taryn.

Before they can get the upper hand, Taryn manages to fight her way off the mat. Her offence is short-lived, and Angelina and Velvet take it in turns to wear her down in the corner. Angelina sets Taryn up for what I suspect would have been a running clothesline, but Gail drags Velvet out to the floor before she can see it through. Taryn then quickly throws Angelina down, too, and all four ladies are on the outside.

Angelina and Velvet attempt to double team Gail, but she’s well versed in the tactics of the Beautiful People by now and fights them off. Last week she was trying figuratively to make them bump heads. This week she just bumped their heads. Off the apron, Gail launches herself at TBP and takes them both out.

All three of them recover in time to take a huge crossbody from Taryn off the top rope.

Taryn and Angelina head back into the ring to throw down as a ‘Better Than Divas’ chant breaks out in the arena. Um, okay then. I mean… how about we just keep WWE in WWE, and TNA in TNA? It doesn’t always have to be a competition. I reeeeally don’t think TNA wants any more attention brought to the fact that they still don’t have a TV renewal, whilst WWE are launching their own NETWORK worldwide. To quote Monica Geller:

“It’s not a contest. Certainly not a close one.”

(Alright, that might be a little off topic but never mind.)


We’re in the ring and Taryn is in complete control of Angelina. A couple of clotheslines and a neckbreaker later, and Taryn gets a two count; Gail breaks it up and saves her championship. Gail sets up Angelina for the Eat Defeat, but Angelina counters and goes for the pin! Do we have a new Knockouts champion? NOPE. Gail kicks out at two. As Angelina gets to her feet, Velvet Sky goes – literally – behind her back and tries to pin Gail too. Gail kicks out and Angelina gets in Velvet’s face.

Taryn sees her opportunity and rolls up Velvet, but she kicks out, and Taryn eats a DDT from Angelina. Angelina pins Taryn, but Velvet breaks it up, then Velvet pins Taryn but Angelina breaks it up. *breathes*

Gail gets right up in their grills and works the both of them, before Angelina knocks her down and Velvet lines Gail up for the In Yo Face. But Angelina’s not done with her tag partner just yet, and gets in Velvet’s face again. Taryn yells at them then knocks them both down with a double clothesline. Gail’s left to pick the bones and nails the Eat Defeat on Velvet.

One, two, three.

Gail Kim is STILL the Knockouts champion!

Thoughts: A pretty good week for the Knockouts. The match was good, I thought. It did well in setting up Angelina vs. Velvet, though I am surprised they’re showing the tension this early on. I have a feeling Angelina will be the heel coming out of this feud. Gail showed once again that she’s dominant and in charge.

The only real issue I had was with Taryn, I suppose. I feel like she was just there. Aside from her crossbody spot, which was awesome, she didn’t really seem to have a story going into the match. I mean Gail didn’t really, either, but she was defending her title in a rematch technically.

As sure as I am that they’re going for Taryn/Gail, we need to see more between them before they go for round four, and the Knockouts title.

Until next time! Ciao x

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