Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Impact Write-Up (January 19th, 2014): Best Friends For Never

Hey guys! It’s Chris here with this week’s episode of Impact. It’s the annual Pay-Per-View…uh…show, Genesis! Let’s get to it!

First of all, I have to say that it was incredibly classy for TNA to start the show by mentioning the passing of Mae Young, proof that everyone in the wrestling world absolutely loved and adored Mae. May she rest in peace.

What other way to start off Impact than with the conductor of the DixieTrain, Dixie Carter! It’s at this point that I ponder why I don’t have Rockstar Spud‘s job. As the original DixieCrat, it’s a position made for yours truly. Dixie talks about that evil AJ Styles and I can’t help but notice that Dixie is rocking a pair of Mom Jeans. Are these DixieJeans? While Dixie’s champion, Magnus (Who I once ran into at a iHOP. Don’t ask.) is talking, He hands her own of his World Championships, Which means Dixie Carter is the new World Champion, right!?!? No, Magnus doesn’t give me my greatest hope to see Dixie Carter as World Champion, he names her ” Champion of our Hearts” Bless your heart, Darlin’.

Dixie brings out everyone that had a part in getting rid of AJ Styles last week on Nitro.. I mean, Impact. Including Lei’D Tapa and Gail Kim. The ring is filled up with heels and Rockstar Spud looks like he’s about to fall over from carrying Dixie’s belt. Maybe, just maybe, this is my big chance! Sting brings out a whole army including ODB, who got taken out last week. It just dawned on me that Eric Young & ODB have been married on screen for almost two years. It’s hard for me to process that they are one of the very few successful on screen weddings ever.

After not one, but two segments, somehow this leads to a 12-Person Tag Team match, including ODB and Tapa. They brawl a little bit in the opening minutes of the match, and a few minutes later ODB delivers a fall away slam to Zema Ion that leads to Lei’D giving a awesome running tackle to ODB. They end up brawling up the ramp and that concludes the Knockouts portion of the match.

We go backstage to the World’s Greatest Actress Velvet Sky, who’s talking to Austin Aries about trading cards. I’m not even kidding. Chris Sabin walks up and proceeds to announce that if Velvet doesn’t want to talk to him backstage, he’ll talk to her in the ring in front of everybody. It’s at this point that I’m reminded of how great the segment a couple weeks ago was with Bully Ray and Brooke, how Brooke played the perfect combination of cocky bitch and pissed off ex-girlfriend. And then I realize that this is not going to be nothing like that. They have a segment that ends up with Velvet being in a cage at ringside for Sabin’s match next week. Velvet tells Sabin if he doesn’t win next week she’s done with him, and then I proceed to become happy because I’ve always loved Velvet’s theme music which begins to play.

If you didn’t get enough of Madam Dixie earlier, We get to hear her lovely theme song once again as she has a segment with Kurt Angle. I must say that heel Dixie is at her very best in this one.

Right after this, Madison Rayne is about to be interviewed backstage but is interrupted by Lei’D Tapa, and then laid out by Gail Kim.

After all this, It’s finally time for the Knockouts Championship to be defended, as the former BFFs, Madison Rayne and Gail Kim, collide!

Wow, I honestly can say I didn’t see this coming at all. I thought Gail Kim was defiantly going to retain the title for the time being, especially after Gail and Tapa attacked Madison backstage. I enjoyed seeing some of Madison’s old signature moves, and Gail’s ring post Figure Four. I just really wish these two would have gotten a little bit more time to show what they really can do. In a show full of segments, I was certainly clinging for more wrestling. I’m quite interested to see what Madison’s reign will bring, I would assume a rematch or two with Gail is certainly in order, as well as a feud with Lei’D Tapa. But afterwards? Who knows, I for one would love to see a heel Brooke vs a face Madison. It would certainly be a change from the short feud they had a couple years ago when Brooke was champion.

That’s all from this week’s episode of Impact, I’m sure next week we’ll get the 457th edition of Madison & ODB vs. Gail & Tapa! I’ll see you next week, and remember that Dixieland is only ever just a single wish away.

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