Thursday, February 13, 2025

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IndyGurlz Results: ‘April Rain’ (April 16th, Boonton, NJ)

Results from today’s IndyGurlz show from Diva Dirt’s Eric:

First of all, I was one of ten people there. The show started an hour late due to the ring being broken and needing to be welded. As soon as their matches ended, the girls were leaving. By the time it reached the end of the women’s event (intermission before the guys) all the girls had left. The matches even had to be changed last minute due to a couple of the girls not being able to stay due to the weather or late bell time.

1) The Belle Saints vs. Portia Perez and Sumie Sakai. Portia and Sumie were an oddly paired heel team here. I say oddly because Portia didn’t attempt to be a heel at all. Both brought chairs to the ring. Match was heavily dominated by Portia and Sumie. End of match saw Sumie snatch the refs glasses and while he was “blind,” she hit Tina with a chair. Winners: Portia Perez and Sumie Sakai.

2) Sara Del Rey vs, Madison Eagles. Sara was a face here. Excellent, lengthy submission based match which ended when Madison countered a high flying move from Sara into the Hell Bound. I highly recommend the upcoming DVD simply for this match.

3) Jamilia Craft vs. Roxie Cotton vs. Niya. This was a last minute put together match and it showed. Very disorganized and while the paricipants impressed physically, it seemed to be dominated by Roxie Cotton’s comedic talents. 

4) Mercedes Martinez vs. Cindy Rogers. Both women played face here. Very even, back and forth match. Mercedes ultimately won.

After the match both women embraced in the ring while Cindy began crying. Mercedes took the mic and thanked Cindy for not only her many years of friendship, but a string of great matches as well. This will be the last time Cindy and Mercedes face off, but as Mercedes said, their friendship will continue. Cindy exited to a “Thank You Cindy” chant.

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