Friday, July 26, 2024

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Io Shirai wins Triple Threat to become NXT Women’s Champion

Io Shirai is your NEW NXT Women’s Champion at TakeOver: In Your House!!

A Triple Threat match between Shirai, Rhea Ripley, and now former NXT Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair became the second time women have been in the main event at TakeOver. This was long overdue as the first time was in 2015 at TakeOver: Respect between Sasha Banks and Bayley in a 30-minute Ironwoman match.

The Queen headed into the match confident as she has been showing the NXT gold off on all three brands and had no intention of losing momentum anytime soon. Ripley wanted the revenge from losing her title to Flair at WrestleMania 36 and Shirai hoped that third time would be a charm in her quest for the top prize.

Taking advantage of the no disqualification rules of a Triple Threat match, the women made sure to use everything in their advantage. Flair dominated as she does for a portion of the match, especially when she had her opponents hurled into the barricade.

Highlights of the match included a constant counter to their signature moves. This includes a counter from Shirai on Ripley’s Riptide and Ripley avoiding Natural Selection by Flair. Flair would end up delivering one to Shirai who kicked out at two to which Flair was shocked. Shirai gets a quick two count of her own before Flair goes for the Figure Eight. Ripley then would pull out Flair by her hair to break up the submission maneuver.

The action then spilled to the outside and the three utilized the In Your House set. Shirai was launched by Flair through the glass-less window and into the tron screen that was set up behind it. Ripley took advantage of this as she smashes a potted plant on Flair and the two continue to brawl. This took Flair smashing Ripley up against the plexiglass barrier.

The two would eventually be in a perfect position beneath the set up of the house and the front door of the set. Shirai was perched on the top of the house as she hits a huge crossbody crashing on top of the two below.

Flair is brought back into the ring by Shirai. The Joshi Judas goes up top to prepare for perhaps a moonsault but Ripley stops it. Flair winds up out on the floor after a failed attempt of a spear on Ripley. This causes both Shirai and Ripley to be one-on-one for a moment as Ripley attempts a superplex that is countered. Shirai then goes for a Frankensteiner which is also stopped.

Flair would get back in the ring as Ripley hits a super Riptide on her. Unable to capitalize, Shirai breaks up the near fall. Ripley tries again to pick up the win by submission as she has Shirai in a Prism Trap. This is broken up by Flair as she brings in a kendo stick and attacks both opponents with it. After various hits to the back, Flair goes for the Figure Eight on Ripley in order to retain her championship.

Shirai heads to the top as the Figure Eight is locked in and she hits a moonsault on top of Ripley which causes the break from Flair. She gets the three count on Ripley to become the new NXT Women’s Champion.

Shirai celebrates after the match as confetti and streamers fill the ring.

What did you think of this match? Are you happy with the new champion? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

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