Friday, July 26, 2024

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Jazz announces retirement tour in 2021

Wrestling legend Jazz announced a retirement tour for next year. The former two-time WWE women’s champion took to Twitter to say that she is accepting bookings for a retirement tour in 2021.

Earlier this year, Jazz sat down with Chris Van Vliet for an in-depth and candid interview. During the interview, Jazz announced that she had wrestled her last match due to injuries and the global pandemic.

“Honestly, I just had my last match this past Sunday. I am done with in-ring. My knees, I am limping right now. I am not going to Terry Funk it. I was going to do a whole tour in 2020 but with the pandemic happening, that screwed everything up. We’ll see for 2021, we may do a little tour.”

Despite, her statement Jazz returned to the ring last month when she joined Jordynne Grace for the IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament. Grace and Jazz have made a formidable team and have advanced to the semi-finals.

Thankfully the 2021 retirement tour seems to be coming into fruition with Jazz’s latest announcement.

Jazz is a legend in the wrestling business and a true trailblazer for women’s wrestling. She first came into prominence in ECW in 1999. Two years later she signed with WWE where she had memorable feuds with Trish Stratus and Victoria. Jazz won the women’s title twice before becoming an independent wrestling hero and NWA Women’s World Champion for an incredible 948-days.

What promotions would you like to see Jazz perform for her retirement tour? Let us know in the comments below.

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