Friday, July 26, 2024

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Katie Lea: First British Women’s Champ?

The fierce Raw Diva has been rising up the ranks faster than you can say “Jillian Hall“, Katie Lea launched her own WWE Fan Nation profile a while ago and has started blogging with her “Short and Snappy Tales of Greatness.” You know what else is short and snappy? Mickie James who just so happens to be the subject of Katie’s blog:

Katie Lea – 2, Mickie James – 0!! Hahaha! How about the look on Mickie’s face when I beat her 1,2,3 in the middle of the ring… for the second time..!? In the words of an unsung hero (a.k.a. Teddy Jr. who, in case anyone reading this has been living under a rock for the past few weeks, is the son of Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, the latest addition to the RAW roster and yes, he has been voted ‘eye candy of the month’…) it could only be described as ‘priceless’… It’s obvious hers is the only sorry carcass that is not looking forward to ‘Night of Champions’ where I will become, rightfully and officially the WWE’s very first British Women’s Champion…

Regarding Mr. Kennedy… I don’t want to be bringing up old and tired clichés about battles and wars, so suffice it to say we are only just getting started! Let me remind you… Whatever Katie wants, Katie always gets. And right now, what I want is Mr. Kennedy. Taken. Out. One thing’s for certain: Mr. Kennedy will feel our wrath…

And speaking of conspiracies: As if by magic I just disappeared from the Power 25… I don’t think I need to even mention this is a gross oversight. I feel slighted. How can Natalya have a place and I be omitted when her only claim to fame is competing for a title that does not even exist yet!! Well I can tell you now with 100% certainty I will be back and there will be no rest for the wicked when it comes to climbing that ladder right to the very top. How can I fail once I carry the prestigious gold around my waist..? Add to that my brother Paul, strong and ruthless, ready to fulfill my every need and desire- there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind that my infamy and power will soon grow to previously unimaginable heights…

Believe the hype. Count down the days, the hours the minutes.

On June 29th at ‘Night of Champions’ history will be made…

Love me. Katie Lea.

Wow, what an upgrade from Ashley‘s recent MySpace blogs! A Diva that can type in correct English? You go, Katie Lea! Speaking of upgrades, I, for one will be anticipating the match between Katie and Mickie at Night of Champions. It will be a definite upgrade from last year’s Divas match (sorry Candice fans), I expect this will be a competetive match up and I cannot wait for the Natalya/Michelle match either, although I’m quite concerned as none of the promotion for the Divas Championship has mentioned the pay per view.

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