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Lucha Underground Analysis (October 5th, 2016): The insects of the temple meet the baddest bitch

[media-credit name=”Lucha Underground” align=”alignnone” width=”620″]mariposaivelisse[/media-credit]

Welcome to the Temple once again Believers! This week promises to be a good one with the announcement that two luchadoras will face each other for the first time ever!

Before we get to the match, however, our proprietor Dario Cueto brings out his Dial of Doom again. Prince Puma wins an opportunity to face Matanza later in the night (props to Dario for the stellar acting here as he says Puma will become just another casualty in a long line of bodies stacked up by his brother). Will Catrina and Mil Muertes get involved perhaps?

The next segment of the night starts setting up a new rivalry as Ivelisse takes on Mariposa for the first time. Let’s watch!

Ivelisse enters the ring, sporting a new hair dye job while Mariposa enters the squared circle accompanied by her sleazy brother Marty “The Moth” Martinez. She’s looking as creepy as ever as she slowly makes her way to Ivelisse.

Mariposa starts off the only way she knows how with some in your face taunting along with a slam. They circle each other before tying up again. Ivelisse reverses a hold with arm drags and a monkey flip. She kicks Mariposa but Marty distracts her before she can lay out Mariposa. This causes Mariposa to gain the upper hand with stomps to the gut and another slam. Mariposa then starts targeting Ivelisse’s arm, then legs. They trade blows before Mariposa puts Ivelisse in a modified Congo Clutch. She then transitions Ivelisse into a series of chokes.

Marty tries to steal a kiss from Ivelisse while she’s tied up in the ropes but she slaps him hard across the face. Mariposa continues beating Ivelisse down while shouting at her. She throws Ivelisse into two different corners and continues choking her, this time with her boot. Marty gets in on the fun and starts choking her from behind the turnbuckle.

Ivelisse manages to create space again between her and Mariposa. She starts hitting Mariposa with all she’s got, her elbows and a crossbody take her down. She tries to slow down Mariposa’s onslaught with a chokehold but Mariposa throws her off. Mariposa goes for the Butterfly Effect but Ivelisse counters it. Mariposa gets Ivelisse into a fireman’s carry but she scurries out of that too. She kicks Mariposa and then begins to run the ropes but Mariposa catches her with a quick Samoan Drop.

Ivelisse counters another Buttlerfly Effect by flattening Mariposa forward. She then puts her away with a smooth sunset flip powerbomb. Marty attacks her from behind and the two twisted siblings beat her down.

After the match we join Dario in his office. Johnny Mundo busts in again and demands a title shot. Dario says no. Johnny demands a match against Sexy Star, pointing out that she lost the atomicos match last week. Dario says that’s correct but she was taken out by Jack Evans. He schedules a match next week between Jack and Sexy instead.

Then a teaser for the white rabbit clan plays. Could this introduce us to more luchadoras?

Later on we’re introduced to Ivelisse’s new boyfriend. Oh snap, it’s Sami Callihan! I thought I saw him in the Season 3 teaser trailers.

Sami, now going by the moniker Jeremiah, meets her in the locker room where she’s icing her neck. He says he’s there to watch her match but she immediately fires back with a “You’re late!” He says damn, he was figuring she was going to be in the main event. He comes to her defense when she tells him she got jumped after the match. She says sit down but he says defiantly that “no one touches my girl.” Ivelisse says she can take care of herself.

Jerermiah says the doors to the Temple are always open. However, Ivelisse says she wants to keep her combat life separate from her love life. He retorts that he loves fighting as much as she does.

They both leave soon after.

The main event is next and Mil shows up just before Puma looks to put away Matanza. Catrina is nowhere to be found but he does her dirty work. Anything to make the queen happy and take out Puma once and for all.

Catrina shows up in time briefly to admire his work.

Thoughts: LU continues to be the best wrestling show on television! Every week we see the steady progression of stories across the board and the creation of new ones. It’s this fantastic story telling that’s really revolutionizing the business right now.

The introduction to a potential feud between Ivelisse and Mariposa will do wonders to continue the Martinez sibling’s creepy fascination with stalking and slowly driving their prey insane. I enjoyed the first chapter they told with this match as Ivelisse found out first hand that Mariposa will spin a web to try and trap her in.

Mariposa is a fantastic talent. She puts her body on the line in crazy spots and I have to give credit where credit is due. She works in tandem with Marty to create an effective horrifying and twisted character. It will be fun to see Ivelisse try and figure them out since she got the win by the skin of her teeth here.

Ivelisse continues to shine in the ring, taking punishment and dishing it out with smooth counters. I’d like to see her toss in some more fast paced power slams/moves with her already agile offense. Paired with her striking, I think this will take her over the edge a bit more. I can’t help but feel like she holds back sometimes, which isn’t a knock on her at all. But when Ivelisse goes out, she goes all out. It’s a delicate balancing act and I have faith there’s more to come from her this season, especially with this feud.

The introduction of Jeremiah is interesting as well. I love intergender bouts and I’ve heard good things about his skills so I’m eager to see what they both can do in the ring against Mariposa and Marty.

The feud between Mil and Puma isn’t ending anytime soon either and I’m curious as to where this is going. Puma was our valiant hero in Season 1 but in Season 2, he got knocked down several notches and might be questioning himself. Where does he fit into this with Catrina? Will she get his soul?

Meanwhile, Sexy is set to defend her title against Jack next week. I’m looking forward to see what he brings to the table against her. My guesses are that she’ll have to watch her back against Worldwide Underground. Johnny is still eying a way to get to the championship and he shouldn’t be underestimated.

What did you think of last night’s episode? How do you think the match between Sexy and Jack will play out? Are you looking forward to an Ivelisse/Mariposa feud? Sound off in the comments below.

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