Friday, July 26, 2024

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Maxine Comments on Last Night’s NXT Match

NXT Rookie Diva, Maxine took to her Twitter page earlier today commenting on her match with Kaitlyn last night on NXT.

Maxine wrote: “Yea [sic] the match was tough it’s hard to lead someone with 2 months experience almost impossible.”

Thoughts: Last night’s match was really, really bad. Hands-over-face-peek-through-your-fingers bad. I feel sorry for the girls involved as they do what they can. It’s WWE’s fault for throwing them on this show without enough experience. That is the problem when you have Rookies face each other with little training. Who is that helping? You’re not going to improve by wrestling someone who is as green as, or greener than, you. Sadly, we all know who the blame will fall on and it’s not the decision-makers.

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